Class of 2020 Nursing admissions

Does anyone know how UCI Nursing makes their decision? Meaning does the School of Nursing see the main application or only the supplemental? Anyone else here in the same boat…ie…applied to UCI SON?

@netter11 Good Luck…your dd sounds a lot like mine.

Ha, well I messaged you back @cali60 ! Coincidence we will be at UD the very same day. Now I just need to confirm my flights!

@RN2be2016 my daughter also applied to UCI SON. I know you have to be accepted to the university first, then the SON. Don’t know for sure if the SON actually sees the main application though. I heard that decisions will be coming out today and continues through the week. Good luck to you!

So dd just checked her portal for UCI and got accepted BUT… it says undeclared/undecided
What does that mean??

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My daughter was also accepted to UCI as undeclared/undecided @lovemyjob. It means that they didn’t make the cut as a nursing major but did for the university overall.

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Is this UCI’s way of creating a waiting list without saying that is what it is? If everyone they accept doesn’t say Yes maybe they come back and see if these kids want to change to Nursing?? I guess we choose one of her direct entry programs to be certain and not chance it. She knew it was a long shot and it is heavily loaded with Chemistry so I don’t think she is hugely disappointed.
@negirl508 what programs will your daughter consider now?

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I also got accepted to UCI, but as a biology major… I’ll hope for UCLA, but if not, SDSU is my next choice.

There were probably between 2000 to 3000 applicants for UCI nursing. They could only accept what between 20 to 50?? So for all of you extremely qualified applicants, don’t think you are any less valuable. You are all beyond extremely capable and valuable. So focus on where you can go. As an RN with a beyond exceptional career which only happened to me because I was an RN…I was able to buy multiple houses in the Bay Area, I was able to date multiple men, I was able to secure my life and my future and now my retirement as an RN. Never give up! You guys rock and will be successful nowhere where you land!

@Lovemyjob my daughter feels the same way as yours. UCI was not a top choice but disappointing nonetheless especially since we are in CA and she was wait listed at SDSU. She is waiting on UCLA but knows that this is long shot. Very disappointing that a student with good stats can’t get into one of her home state universities. Oh well. She will consider her direct entry options which include University of Utah, University of Portland, University of New Hampshire and UCONN. How about yours?

Thanks @Erikacharm for your encouraging words. On UCI’s website it states that they generally accept 30 Freshman and 20 Junior entry applicants. Very small class indeed. I agree there are many talented and deserving applicants out there who undoubtedly will go on to become wonderful RNs :slight_smile:

Once everyone decides where they will attend college- I would love to hear from everyone.

I agree- it doesn’t matter where you end up going as long as you are happy! Nursing is the best job in the world- it allows for so much flexibility in your life and if you find the area of nursing that you love- you are set.
I always tell my daughter that getting through nursing school is tough- I’m not going to lie- but I can tell that the girls posting about going are very bright and highly motivated to succeed.

You have to get through the program- tough at times and not always what you imagined but you will come out stronger and then you can find your dream job!!

Can’t wait to hear final decisions -including my own daughter :slight_smile:

Waiting for UCLA SON decision…hopefully today?

It’s so nerve-wracking waiting until some of these schools announce their release of decisions. We are awaiting UVA, Uof Michigan and U of Miami, none of which have released their RD Acceptance dates yet. The only reason it bothers me is because spring break is upon us and it would be great to plan a visit. But I’m sure so many people are in the same position all across the country. My daughter picked schools that require a long plane ride, unfortunately. Oh well, trying to stay patient and optimistic! Good luck to everyone who is waiting!

I got accepted into UCI, but as a Public Health Science Major…Very dissapointed if UCLA doesnt come through I will attened CSUF or UCSB if I get in…

@RN2be2016 UCLA already released their decisions! Check the portal!

Anyone get into UCLA Nursing??
we didn’t- waitlist with no major mentioned

We were literally at the San Jose airport with plans to visit SDSU open house day tomorrow…when my daughter checked the UCLA portal and found out she was accepted to Nursing! We canceled our flight at 5:30pm (a 6:15 flight.) We were already in the boarding area! Southwest refunded all of our points. Now I must book a flight to new Bruin day April 16th. We are completely shocked!

Congratulations @Erikacharm! Very exciting :slight_smile:

Agreed, very impressive @Erikacharm ! Congrats!