Class of 2020

Anyone know if they’re accepted to the BFA Theatre program yet?

My D has been accepted to the program for the Class of 2020, yes!

My D auditions Jan 30 and has been admitted to Molloy academically. How long after auditioning did you hear? Thanks and congrats!

@ForRhi YAY! Is she planning on attending?

@jbrideau I messaged you!

@EmilyChristine Yes, we’ve finally made the decison and she will be attending. You are as well, right? I told her she needs to get her own account so you can connect! I’m so excited for her! We have a friend that attends the current program and absolutely loves it!

@jbrideau - I message you as well. Break a leg to your D!

@ForRHi and @EmilyChristine - congrats and thanks for the info! I’ll let you know how it goes for D!

@EmilyChristine I’m the Rhi mentioned above- I’ve been accepted and will be attending! Hello! :slight_smile:

My daughter was accepted over the summer at the International Thespians Festival at the University of Nebraska. We Just got back from visiting CAP21 and Molloy College in New York last week.

Hi @BigShoes -Congratulations to your D! Is she planning to attend for sure?

Hi @ForRhi -She has is narrowed to a top 5 at this point, and CAP21/Molloy is on the list. No decision just yet.

D got her acceptance today! Her best friend since fifth grade, a boy, also has been accepted.

Congratulations @jbrideau ! That is awesome! A couple of the kids have started an FB page for those that have been accepted- whether or not they have decided if they are attending. I think @BWAYWANNABE might be in charge of that. Otherwise, my D is @RhiBway - would love to connect with your D on here to chat.

Thanks @ForRhi! I’ll let D know!

Hey! @jbrideau I have decided to go so if your d wants to get in touch I can add to the page and our chat!

Also so thankful a boy got accepted

Thanks @BWAYWANNABE I’ll tell her!

Working through all the offers, but my D fell in love with Molloy.

I just got my acceptance letter today!