Class of 2021 - Admitted Students Questions

New Aggies and their Parents, I felt like we needed a place to ask each other questions that are unrelated to admissions so we don’t muddy up the 2021 admission page too much.

My question: After enrolling for NSC, one of the steps it tells us to take is “Activate your Texas A&M Student Email account (required)”. – Has anyone been able to do that? When I log into Aggie Account Gateway, it says “You are not currently eligible for a Texas A&M Gmail Account.”

@kaydeeloo I was able to do this back in November with no issues. I wonder if maybe it’s just a temporary glitch?

I actually called the Help Desk and was told that couldn’t be done until after NSC. But after reading closer, it says that all of the tasks on the checklist need to be done before NSC. I feel like I’m getting the run-around.

We were able to setup our son’s TAMU email back in late November after he accepted his admission. In fact that is where he received his notification of his acceptance into engineering honors. Still have not received any written acceptance to EH. Was wondering if anyone else had received any snail mail correspondence from EH.

@TxSker, My son (Class of 2019) never received anything but online acknowledgment that he was accepted into Engineering Honors when he enrolled, so unless something has changed, no need to watch your regular mail. Also, be sure your son monitors his TAMU email throughout the summer. My son’s Physics class was canceled over the summer and he would not have known if he wasn’t checking the account. It’s the only way the school communicates with students. Congrats on your son’s enrollment!

Do Blinn Team students have two orientations, one for each school. I know they register for both classes at A&M,

Thanks @lee6666 that is good information to know! My son if really excited to get HS over with and start his next phase. Senioritis is strong right now…

@cable0790 I think they do but let me make sure with a friend whose son is Blinn Team right now. I know they had two different advisors, but NSC may have all been the same few days. I recall she was very frustrated with the Blinn part. I wish she would join the forum for these types of questions. I can ask her and get back to you.

You may have already seen this

@kaydeeloo we just set our son’s email yesterday and was able to do so.

we also signed up for the first NSC on May 25-26. :slight_smile:

Is it possible to do engineering honors, the corps, and band all at the same time?

I found a recommended schedule for engineering majors but since I will most likely do the corps I will have to take ROTC classes as well. How do I select an appropriate schedule that can fit all of this?

I haven’t seen any recent threads on housing. My daughter filled out her housing application in December within 30 days of acceptance. When does she find out dorm assignment? Would love Hullabaloo but expecting that may be full. Her alternative choices were some of the modular dorms - but that was a really random bit of guessing. Also we have looked at Traditions on the north side of campus and also Callaway House. Anyone know when the dorm assignments are made? chances for Hullabaloo? Thoughts on best dorm choices generally? She wants to meet people and likes the dorm environment for that but also is concerned about ability to study in her room. Congratulations to all the parents and kids who have been struggling over all these decisions. :slight_smile:

@cable0790, Blinn Team students register for both A&M and Blinn classes at their NSC. “How will I set up my class schedule(s)? Incoming TEAM students will register for courses while attending a New Student Conference on the Texas A&M University campus. Academic advisors from both A&M and Blinn will be present to make appropriate course recommendations.” Source:

@Bpositive15, I understand that housing assignments are being done a bit differently for this fall, but Hullabaloo is usually full by those admitted by early October. It is very difficult to get! My son (Class of 2019) was lucky his freshman year and was admitted on day 1 of wave 1 (on Sept. 19) and put in for Hullabaloo that same day. I believe this year you have until a certain date to give your dorm choice, but they will still assign students in order. In other words – come up with some good alternatives. I have no experience with the others dorms and will let others share their experiences, but I do want to say that the dorm experience was good for freshman year and for meeting others. As far as studying in the dorm, she will find study spots within the dorm or on campus once she arrives. My son rarely studied in the dorm. The Med Sci library and the new Vet building are his spots (even now that he lives off campus). Congrats to your daughter on her admittance.

@Bpositive15 As @lee6666 says, Hullabaloo is likely already full or will be, by students with earlier priority dates.
The whole housing process is new this year from years past, so, it is new for everyone.

There are a few housing threads, they have just gotten lost in all of the recent posts, with admission decisions just being released. If you go back and check a few pages, you will see them…unless they are hopelessly buried

The way I understand it, as explained to me by another parent, (I am looking for that post) is that the three dorms you selected are in case you neglect to choose or just chose not to select on your own.
Students will be assigned a window of time in which to select their dorm and room of choice (subject to availability) and that assignment date is based on housing priority date. I think it is later this spring, so you will know what your assignment is immediately. Only dorms and rooms available in them will be available to choose, so it’s not like you choose and then wait to see what you get. My elder two went through a process just like this at Texas State and Oklahoma State. It was nice knowing their dorm and room assignments right away.

If it works the exact same way, then you may get to see and study floor plans with room numbers a few days prior.

The Modular dorms are very popular. Kids meet others in all kinds of places besides dorm. That is a great start, but also from classes are a good place. Walton used to be all guys but is going co ed. There are some all girls dorms. Kids will pick where they study best. Both of my boys prefer to wear their noise canceling headphones and go to the student buildings at their schools, or out on the lawn, or the library. My daughter preferred her dorm. Now in an apartment, she prefers the study lounges or library.

Congrats on her admissions!!!

It was me @Thelma2 … Here it is:

The Housing Contract says this:

During the spring semester, all applicants will be given a date and time to come back and self select a hall/apartment and room. Applicants will be given a date and time based on their Housing Status (priority, guaranteed or waitlist) and their Housing Priority Date.

In the unlikely event that you are not able to self select a hall/apartment and room, or choose not to self select, you must give us at least three housing preferences so that we can manually assign you. Housing preferences are not a guarantee that you will be placed in these halls/apartments.

What is Hullabaloo? My son will (probably) be attending TAMU this next fall ( he has been accepted in the Engineering program but he is still thinking it over). My daughter is a freshmen at UT so now I need to learn about A&M.

Thank You, Thank You , @kaydeeloo !

Hullabaloo is the name of the newest dorm on campus. It has its own category on the cost list, by name. Most expensive housing on campus. Other dorms are categorized: modulars, the commons ( 4 towers that are joined ), balcony, ramp, corridor, corps dorms and the apartments. Here’s a link

@newrecruit Engineering, Corps, and Band seems like a lot to carry, but I am sure others have done it. You might go over to Aggie Reddit and ask the question. Current students there may be able to help you out with that.

My son also thought about band as he was on drum line and section leader, but wasn’t interested in the commitment of the Corps on top of it. He has many friends from band that are in marching bands, in several other Big 12, SEC, and other universities. While I can think of 4 kids we know in the Corps, none are in band or engineering. The time commitment seems to vary among schools. University marching band hasn’t been a right fit for everyone though, and some that made it as freshmen, didn’t stick with it for varying reasons.

How are you at time management? That may be a big factor because band is going to take time, the Corps is going to take time and your classes/studying is going to take time. ENGR 111 and 112, for only 2 credit hours, take up a lot of outside class time for group projects. While done outside of class time, they set their own times to convene and rental availability of the study lounges/rooms comes into play.

Don’t forget to make some time for yourself that is not school/band/corps related. If you play piano, you can rent a practice room with a piano (I think it is at MSC-my son does this so I will have to ask) and play your heart out, learn a new song, etc. Playing in the flag room, he has met a bunch of different majors who play music, not just piano. It has been a great experience. There are a lot of other ways to play and work on music as well if you elect not to do band.