Hi guys!
I wanted to have a thread to discuss the upcoming decisions.
I actually didn’t check the admissions’ twitter at first, so I thought engineering decisions were coming out in April with the other two schools. Then I checked, and now I’m freaking out because IT’S MID-MARCH RIGHT NOW.
I’m really nervous: I got my first rejection today (MIT, haha) and even though I’ve gotten into five other schools (UMD, Portland State, Wentworth, RPI, and Northeastern) I’m absolutely head over heels for Cooper Union and will be crushed if I don’t get in.
What about you all? What school and major did you apply to? Got any insider info on an exact date for decisions?
Hi SchottkyDefects,
As far as I know, decisions for all three schools will be released “by”/on April 1, but I can only confirm this for the School of Architecture (the one to which I applied).
Considering your other strong options, you shouldn’t be too upset if you don’t get in! Cooper admissions are crazy competitive. That’s how I’m rationalizing all of this, anyway.
I was accepted ED to Cooper’s Engineering in December. On the facebook group, an admissions officer said regular applicants for engineering should hear back in the next couple of days. Art and architecture is early April.
@crisscrossapplesauce what were your stats if you dont mind me asking?
Cooper Admissions just posted on facebook:
"First-year applicants to the School of Engineering will receive decision emails tonight!
Please check your spam folders.
Applicants to the School of Art and the School of Architecture will receive their notification emails within the next two weeks."
Good luck everyone!!
I got my decision today for architecture!!! Cooper Union was def my first choice, and I’m so happy right now!!!
Accepted to architecture last night also.
Daughter got in the architecture school, any idea when they are going to send out the financial package? Thanks!
I think housing will be tough.
Hi, @andirock current Cooper parent here. Housing in NYC can be difficult and expensive but Cooper does have a dorm on 9th st & 3rd ave. Housing is not guaranteed for freshman, but they usually accommodate most if not all freshmen who want to live there. The cost for a double will be $12,270.00 next year. There are singles but I think they are prioritized for students with health or dietary issues.
After freshman year, housing is off campus. It’s really not as bad as you may think, for example, 4 students can share a 2 bedroom apartment, so a $4,000.00 a month apartment would be 1k a month each plus utilities (wifi and electricity).
Cooper has a parent forum for housing every year in March with a real estate agent who gives a comprehensive presentation on housing options. It’s on March 29th this year and you can watch it on Facebook live 6-8 pm. There are quite a few options and if you do some research you can get a nice apartment for a reasonable (NYC standards) price. You can also look on websites such as nofeerentals.com or streeteasy.com (or google no fee rentals NYC) and find your own apartment without paying a real estate fee. The fee is generally 15% of the annual rent so a fee on a $4,000/month apartment would be $7,200.00 just to sign the lease and then you would also need a month’s security on top of that.
Just remember that for the off campus apartment you will be signing a 1 year lease, so plan on either finding an internship in NYC for the summer or plan on subletting the apartment for June, July & August.
@jimbobcharlie…Thx for the info,that sounds better
Accepted to architecture as well! I plan on going 
Has anyone received a decision yet from the school of art? I saw some people posting on here and Facebook but I haven’t received anything yet…