Class of 2021 EA Decisions

Since decisions are supposed to be released this week for Scranton, post your stats here and the scholarship that you have received

Just got my letter today !!
Major : Psychology
Class : 2021
GPA :86.6 (unweighted)
SAT : 1040 ( 500 Math 540 Reading/writing)
Honors/Ap : 1 honors class 0 AP

D admitted!
Comp Science
Gpa 100.39
Sat 1410 (730 m. 680 w)
Lots of honors, 4ap
Deans scholarship 20k

Gpa: 3.7
Act: 25
Lots of honors and APs
Many extracurriculars
Arrupe scholarship

GPA: 3.5
SAT: 1440
ACT: 35
Did you find out if you got a scholarship in the letter or online?

The scholarship info was in the acceptance letter. @laurclassof2021 your stats are soooo close to the presidential scholarship, maybe they are considering you for it

I doubt that I would get it with my GPA @mommabear67 I’m just nervous because I wasn’t offered anything.

@mommabear67 How can I find out how much each type of scholarship worth? -thx

@laurclassof2021 your stats show you should quality for deans scholarship.

undecided major
GPA: 3.7
SAT: 1880
ACT: 29
Dean’s Scholarship $17k

GPA: 3.8
ACT: 29 (Eng 32, Math 30, Reading 26, Science 27)
Dean’s Scholarship $23K

Major: Biochemistry
GPA: 3.8/4.4
ACT: 32
Scholarship: 20k

Major: Finance
GPA: 3.6
ACT: 28
Scholarship: 19k

does anyone know how they decide exactly how much merit everyone gets? I got 20k but see people with lower stats getting more money which is kinda interesting.

Also does anyone know when the need based packages come out?

I emailed them because I didn’t get any money with high ACT and SAT scores but a kinda low GPA. One of the admissions officers responded and told me that my class rank was just out of the range for a scholarship, and that they would review it again. So it’s probably your class rank that is affecting it. @2017Dreams

@laurclassof2021 Did you get any scholarship? My kid’s GPA and ACT were lower than yours and she got Arrupe Scholarship.

D accepted!
Counseling and Human Services major
GPA: 3.3
Test Optional
Impressive ECs/recommendations and competitive HS
Loyola scholarship 11k
@laurclassof2021 I hope you qualify for a scholarship!

Journalism & Electronic Media Major
GPA: 3.1
SAT: 1200
Really good EC
Strong Essay and Recommendations
Catholic HS
Loyola Scholarship: 15k

@annamom I didn’t. I’m guessing that they put it into a computer because my class rank was only a few spots away from top 30% and that disqualified me for abt scholarship.

@laurclassof2021 I think you should be able to get a scholarship, did you call them and ask? there were posts that showed GPA to be 3.1 to 3.3, I think DD is also in that range (she changed schools and has different transcript, hence I do not know the exact number) and got some.