Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

Thank you @amsunshine for correcting this important information!!!

A question for all you fellow NMSF parents:

D21 finally was able to log in to the portal and start on her app. I have read in several places that students can often re-use their common app personal statement. And D21’s common app essay fits this year’s NMF prompt about overcoming a hardship, so she should be fine.

However, we’re a little stumped on the six-fold difference in length: The NMF says that theirs should be about 3500 characters whereas the common app one is only 650. How can she use the same essay for both? (Or are we missing something here?) TIA!

@UpNorth2019 It does fit 650 words (my Common App essay was,) just a smaller space. The way you get around that is by getting rid of all line breaks (so basically a blob of text,) and then indent new paragraphs by using space (IIRC tab doesn’t work.) It does makes it harder to read, but I still became a NMF and NMS, so it’s probably fine. :sweat_smile:

Hope that helps!

@PikachuRocks15 : got it; thanks.

Your answer indirectly answered my question in case anyone else didn’t read the fine print closely enough and was confused, too: 3500 characters (NMF app) vs. 650 words (common app).

We still haven’t heard anything from the school regarding login information, or even an acknowledgement. I’m stressing out. Guidance counselor says “the principal gets the list and then passes onto us” - emailed principal and only hearing crickets.

Same. I haven’t emailed the principal yet because we’re only on our second day of school and it’s been really chaotic, but I’m really hoping to get it before this weekend so S21 can start working on the application!

We’re in the same situation. I know they have a lot of extra work these days (we’re in a remote learning only part of CA), but it would be nice to at least acknowledge that the students have a deadline. Thanks to those who confirmed that the prompt has not changed. And, we’ve seen her name on the state list, so we know that it should be worth her time.

@mm5678 The same thing is happening to me. I had to directly call the NMC to see if I was a Semifinalist, and then they told me to tell my school administration to call them because they should have already distributed materials by now.

@mm5678 : the NM site had some language to the effect that they know that schools are overwhelmed with distance learning and the mail may be slow, etc., so parents shouldn’t hesitate to contact them directly this year if necessary at 847-866-5162. Maybe they will send the portal link directly to you if the school continues to be unresponsive.

In the meantime, it really is very similar to the Common App: personal statement + list of activities. So, she should be able to turn it around really quickly if necessary if she has those pieces ready to go.

@UpNorth2019 thank you for that information, very helpful!

@UpNorth2019 ,I called NMSC to see if they will be able to provide login creds. They told me that each school is sent a login ID and password. When the school official logs in the first time, the official personalized semifinalist letters and the login credentials are created for all the kids identified as semifinalists in that school. You will be able to get the portal login id directly from NMSC only if you are home schooled.

We are in the same boat, wrote a couple of times to the GC and finally heard from the GC today. “We have the list of kids our lead GC is providing us guidance”. Not sure what to make of it tho.

Just chiming in to commiserate with those who haven’t gotten login info. We were told the school received the letter last week, but login info has still not been given to my D21. I do agree that the application is very short and common app essay can be re-used, so that is comforting. The only thing we found difficult last year for my D20 was trying to fit all of her activities into the small amount of space they provide. So, maybe while we are waiting, it would be a good idea to strategize about saving some space. :slight_smile:

We are in the same boat as well, school hasn’t announced any NMSFs yet. Hoping they do by this Friday. One assuring thing is, the nmf application is not that time consuming if the student has already started the common app with activities and little bit of CA essay. (My D19 just did it in less than a couple days’ time- she was nmf later)

We had been waiting and called NMSC in the meantime (last week). Gentleman who answered call was very helpful and confirmed semifinalist status and that DD’s school had not yet logged in to see this year’s finalists. He told me the letter had been addressed to the principal of the high school.

Yesterday morning, DD checked with guidance counselor on status. A few hours later the school principal contacted her to deliver the good news. They apologized for the delay in communication. Many of the schools are in fact overwhelmed lately.

S21 had a zoom with His principal and others last week. Some of you have mentioned a letter. Is that a snail mail directly from NMF or does it come from the school? We have not received a letter from either.

Its a letter that your school should give it to your child. It contains login information and some other details about NMF.

@seoace ^This and your physical NMF certificate comes to your school. IIRC the ONLY letter you will receive from NMSC is a physical copy of your scholarship offer if offered one (and if a corporate scholarship, you will receive a framed certificate from the scholarship sponsor/NMSC.)

If offered a renewable scholarship, you will also receive (in future years) mail to renew your scholarship through the online scholarship renewal portal (separate from the NMF application portal.)

Hope that helps!

Ahh, thanks. S21 says he got that as an email. I hadn’t asked him directly.

Looks like it was a physical letter that was scanned by his high school and emailed to him.

It sounds like the deadline is about the same as in other years? Wish they would extend it a bit with everything else going on at these schools.

My son’s district posted the names on their Facebook page and they’re doing pictures today( he has in-person classes twice a week) so he should get the info then. Hopefully he can use his common app or one of his supplements.

Congrats to all!

We finally got a call from the school this afternoon to inform us that my daughter is a Semifinalist. My daughter also told me that a couple of teachers congratulated her during classes at school (virtual). We were told that one of the GCs will call in the next couple of days to walk us through the next steps. Hope it will be tomorrow and we wont have to wait till Monday. I would like to get it done over the weekend if possible.