Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

I understand. My D21’s school has only one this year. Last year, my d20 was the first they’ve dealt with so it was frustrating having to invent the wheel with them. I seem to recall, however, that as long as your kid is on the ball at turning around the app, that NMSC will be able to see that and won’t hold it against your kid if the school is late doing their part. You might want to give them a call if it seems the school is dragging on their end.

To make things worse, its raining and flooding here, so schools are closed. One more day of not getting any info! Doesn’t look like 2020 is going to give us a break :tired_face:

@BigDaddyJoJoJo, SAT/ACT is not required and considered this year. So no need to send them.

@Momof0ne I think we must be neighbors. :slight_smile:

@mm5678 , it’s a small world after all :smiley:

WE FINALLY GOT OUR LETTER! Dated August 25, but who’s counting? LOL

@mm5678 , Congratulations! Hoping that we will get ours soon!

Yes, we had seen those instructions, but since she did well thought it would help her feel better and less stressed about the process. That was her first standardized test in a few years, all the ones scheduled before were cancelled.

You could send, but given the NMSC is test blind, the score will be thrown away. It’s a bummer, I get it. My D21 took her SAT in November of last year, and would love to submit her score. I suppose if it makes your D feel better to submit it, then it’s $12 well spent. Unfortunately, NMSC is not going to consider it, so if the goal is to somehow get the score in front of them, it’s money wasted.

Still nothing from the school. I am not sure what the parents of the rest of the 5 kids in my daughter’s school are doing, but I am frustrated. My daughter called the GC’s office on Monday, they told her she was out. I sent an email to the person who called us last Thursday to let us know that she was an NMS, and a GC would call. No response to her phone call or my email. Don’t know what to do.

@Momof0ne How frustrating for you. Is there no way to contact any of the other families at the school to try to form a group strategy? Have you called NMSC to ask their advice? They can see when the school has done nothing so far and may have ideas. I think if this was me I would start calling the principal, the vice principal, anyone who could possibly help get this ball rolling. I would think a school with 5 semifinalists would not want the poor reputation that would result from ruining their students’ scholarship chances due to utter inaction.

Thank you @amsunshine. I sent email to the Associate Principal this morning, and my daughter called her GC and her AP. She was told that the GC is out of office today and the AP did not have any info because the GCs are responsible for this(why does this not surprise me?). I just got a reply from the Associate principal that the GCs should start contacting their students today or tomorrow. Now that my daughter’s GC is out today, we have to wait till tomorrow afternoon for her to contact my daughter. I understand they have been sitting on this info at least since last Monday if not earlier.

Same situation here but unlike your D, my son is refusing to send an email to GC. I would send but it’s the policy in their school that everything should come from the student. Oh my… what is stopping them from sending those forms? ? I’m not worried abt finishing our part of essay and activities but just concerned that the teacher should get enough time to write a recommendation…

Finally, good news! Looks like my email to the Associate Principal had some impact. Just received the letter.

@Suave123 believe me, my daughter was also resisting, I had to convince her. But either way, we have the info and we just started working on it. She has decided to ask her science teacher for the recommendation. Hope your son will get his login information soon!

I’m not sure if your school is handling things differently, but for us, the only recommendation is coming from D21’s counselor. He didn’t need to ask a teacher for an additional recommendation.

@Momof0ne @Suave123 As @chachalla noted, your recommendation’s supposed to be completed by a counselor or principal, as they’re the ones who submit your other information to NMSC (transcript etc.)

@amsunshine Did the application process change this year, apart from being SAT/ACT test-blind?

@Momof0ne The NMSC rules say the recommendation needs to be made by the principal or a school rep designated by the principal (usually the GC). Just make sure the principal designates the science teacher — you may want to call NMSC to double check how this works (or if it’s even a viable option)

D21 submitted her application and her counselor said she would have her part done by the end of next week. So I guess she will be writing the recommendation. For school choice she put undecided, right now she has her hopes set on a LAC that is not on the list of college sponsors. I am hoping I can get her to apply to some schools that offer some $

@amsunshine :

D21 talked to her GC today about all the parts of the application, and her school uses a teacher rather than counselor LOR. Her GC is very experienced and has had a ton of NMSF kids through the years, so I have no reason to doubt her.

I know that the whole application, including the LOR, is submitted by her GC, but am wondering where you found documentation that it has to actually be written by the GC rather than a teacher? I read though all the materials on the portal and couldn’t find anything that specifies who writes the LOR (although of course I only have the parent portal, which doesn’t have all the instructions that the GCs does). TIA

@UpNorth2019 @amsunshine did not say it HAS to be written by the GC, it just usually is (my school just re-used the counselor letter for college applications afaik.)