Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

Thanks for your clarification, so if a kid is accepted at BU (say he made BU his first choice by 3/1), you said he might forfeit his scholar status if he changes his mind later . So, if he gets admitted to USC (university of Southern California, which gives half tuition to all NMFs), can he receive that half tuition if he changes his mind to USC later? What are the perks of scholar status? Thanks for your time !

Sorry, my response only addressed the situation for @achouk, who indicated all other schools applied to had either no NMSC award or just a minimal award.

In the case of switching to USC, yes, you risk losing both scholar status and any associated scholarship, including the half-tuition scholarship.

As for scholar status, there aren’t really specific “perks” other than the prestige of being a scholar, along with the associated press release, etc.

eta: Please call NMSC to talk this through with them. They are the experts at this and they are so nice. They understand the conflicts like these that can happen when designating a first choice school and can help you get clarification on any issue that comes up.

@amsunshine @achouk

My daughter also applied to BU and is planning to list them as first choice by 3/1. I don’t think the scholarship is automatic however.

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Yes, I suspect it is not automatic given the wording on the website about NMF applicants being “eligible” to receive the scholarship. But I haven’t personally seen confirmation (or denial) of that anywhere.

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If anyone calls BU or NMSC and gets some clarification about the whole situation around listing BU and then may be changing later - can you please post here.


Our principal called for confirmation this morning… DS is a NM Finalist!!


Our principal did the same for my daughter this morning! He had not realized it was an option! Thanks to this board I learned that it was. She has an update form due today, and she wanted to include this info!


The principal called 15 minutes ago. The bubble kid is a Finalist!



We were also notified by the school today. Very exciting as D is chasing merit money and this should help.


Still nothing for my S in FL

Nothing here. My son goes to school in person tomorrow- hopefully tomorrow is the day! If not will have him ask the counselor since next week is school vacation.


Letter came in the mail today in IL!


On A&M , the NMF package is really good. I believe it is around 10k a year and you pay instate tuition even if you are a non-resident. They have a great engineering department and a even better “network” once you get out.

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TAMU doesn’t get enough attention in the NMF crowd on CC! It’s $42k over 4 years, OOS tuition waiver, $1000 for study abroad. Also an opportunity to apply for this trip for summer before freshman year (not sure if it’s changed in 2021 due to COVID):


Not only that, but they also give out other merit scholarships that stack on top! My D21 just got her financial aid/merit offer and with an extra scholarship, her total award amounts to more than full tuition! Awesome.


Our principal just called to let us know DS is a finalist. We are in Ohio, glad the waiting is over. Good luck to those still waiting!


When you say letter came in mail, do you mean a letter addressed to the student’s home?

I just got accepted and reading over the acceptance letter I began to wonder why national merit finalist status regarded as “prestigious” and why do people spend so much time stressing to try to get it? Like the best you can get (without nepotism with a corporate scholarship) is a one year $2,500 scholarship which all things considered really isn’t that much, and you can’t even use that at colleges outside the United States even if they’re accredited within the USA (like McGill University). It makes no sense.

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