Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

Darn nothing in NC for me!

I’m sure it’s coming. Mail has been slower than usual these days. :snail: :smiley:

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Can someone please explain what is informed delivery?

You can sign up for it through the USPS. They send an email with photos of your incoming mail for the day. It doesn’t capture every piece of mail, but it’s pretty reliable for regular letter sized envelopes.

Informed Delivery (


Got my letter in the mail today! (from FL)


My son received a letter of confirmation from the principal today. We haven’t seen the NMSC letter yet. We are in New Jersey.


He is a finalist =)


Whelp, nothing here in Central NC yet. I thought the Chinese New Year may bring me luck, but nope. Congrats to all who have received good news!


Given the timing of the school letters, today is probably right for home delivery for much of the country, tomorrow for the west coast. Subject to delays based on recent USPS performance.

“Didn’t qualify” letters went out several weeks ago so, while there’s always a small chance, it’s very unlikely to receive one of those now, IMO.

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In you all’s opinions, which would be the better school to go to for national merit and majoring in engineering. Going to Texas A&M and getting a $42,000 scholarship or going to UT- Dallas and basically getting a full ride.

It really depends on where you see yourself as being a better fit, I think. The schools are pretty different.

Are we supposed to notify the first-choice college of new finalist status or does NMSC inform them? D21 has already accepted his admissions, so I’m more concerned that his status is updated for scholarship purposes.

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You will get a solid education at both schools. The student experience is very different. TAMU has one of the largest undergraduate student bodies in the nation, is a big football school, has roots in agriculture and engineering, also has military roots with the Corps of Cadets. As big as it is, anyone should be able to find “their people” at A&M.

UTD has historically been more of a commuter school but not as much now I understand. They are growing and always seem to be building some new facility on campus. I think UTD’s reputation is on the rise.

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I’m an Aggie and my son will be, so we’re definitely biased. I think they have a strong engineering program and a better alumni network. However, the scholarship is not even half of a full ride (tuition, room, and board over four years). But the offer from UTD is amazing!

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You update it with NMSC through his portal. NMSC will take it from there. Their first mailing to colleges goes out around March 1, so you are good to go if it’s updated in the portal now.

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Got the letter in Colorado! Happy for her. I don’t expect to hear anything from the school. :joy:


Do check with the school, however, because the NMSC mails her certificate to the school (why, I have no idea). Your D21 is entitled to have that!

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Oh yeah! Good point, thanks!

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I am a Aggie Engineer with kid in this situation (not engineering). If it comes down to these two, she will probably pick UTD and I am fine with that.

In your situation…
A&M Pros:
Better ranked Engineering School (and overall school than UTD)
Better “Network”
More of a traditional College experience
Friendly, safe college town
Major Athletics Program
A&M eng. degree with COA around 40k is a bargain

A&M Cons:
Really really big
Can seem weird if you aren’t into all the school spirit
Have to maintain a 3.5 to keep all of the scholarship
Engineering there is a meat grinder and you aren’t guaranteed your major
More dumb kids there than UTD
Overall quality of the school is on a slight decline
housing doesn’t have private rooms like UTD

UTD Pros (based on my first impressions)
Better scholarship
Only need 3.0 to keep it
Up and coming school
Seems like a more intellectual crowd
Better dorms
Study Abroad allowance

UTD Cons
Not a “name” school with a known history
Not a college town
No major sports program


Did you find any other info regarding your question? Even my S21 is in the same scenario. He has designated BU as his first choice. My concern is what if BU admits him but gives a scholarship less than the presidential one, like 2000$ or 4000$ something like that. Is it possible to give less money?

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