Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

Does anyone know of good business schools that give generous aid to finalists? I know of USC and Fordham, are there any others I should be aware of?

The letter is in our informed delivery today in Tennessee!


Woohoo - I see a letter from NMSC in informed delivery this morning in SoCal!:tada::partying_face:


Great for those who see in informed delivery, unfortunately not for us… maybe Monday :crossed_fingers:

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Looks like many have received “good news” letters this week. Has anyone received a “bad news” letter from NMSC?

Quick question - I just saw that UCF is requiring students to take 15 credits/semester to maintain their NM scholarship (Benacquisto). This is a new policy, effective this coming summer.

Does anyone know how many credits per semester UF requires for 2021?

The Benacquisto program itself states a minimum of 12, but apparently UCF has gone above that. This difference would definitely factor into my son’s school choice. He’s planning on a very challenging major and having the flexibility to take a lighter courseload on occasion could be helpful.


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I don’t know, but Benacquisto is given by the state not the school. So they might be talking about some supplement or another option.

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Do you have a link to post for that new policy?

My guess is that this is a new legislative policy, given that the scholarship is from the state of Florida. UCF is not going to turn down state money by setting an additional hurdle for its students. At least, I don’t think they would.

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Woohoo, I got my finalist letter in the mail today. Congrats to everyone else on this thread who got it as well


Anyone from Bay Area received the letter?

Nope, we haven’t and are in bay area.

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I’m in NC btw

The state of FL Benacquisto PDF still states 12 hours but it is for 2020-2021.

This is a direct quote from the UCF page:

Minimum UCF Hours Required Per Term for Student who began on or after Summer 2021: 15

I found the info here:

I also just noticed that UCF states that the funding is only for 8 semesters, rather than the 10 stated on the Benacquisto PDF.

Interesting! I read through it and looked for any updates to the Benacquisto, but couldn’t find any legislative updates. It looks like UCF might be trying to make sure their Benacquisto scholars graduate in 4 years.

I wish we’d known this before choosing where to apply - - it definitely would have made a difference.

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Hopefully, he has other good options? But, on the other hand, lots of NMFs love UCF. The 15 credit requirement may not be as taxing as you think. And there’s only a 3.0 required to keep the scholarship, so no undue pressure.

At UCF you need 120 credits to graduate, which suggests that a normal course load is 15 credits per semester. If your child has a lot of AP credits, maybe that fifth course per semester could be a lighter, “fun,” course.

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UF didn’t make the list of schools he applied to - UTD mailed him a couple times with info about their NMF scholarship and that’s what led him to apply.

I believe your son could still apply to UF, but his application would only be considered on a space-available basis. You would have to verify this, but it’s worth looking into if you think it might be a school in which he would be interested. Also, full disclosure, UF is the one school I know of which does not guarantee to fund the Benacquisto in the event it is defunded by the Florida legislature.

Letter received today in CA. While D is looking at schools where it won’t make much difference, it’s still a very welcome encouragement.