Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

Letter received today in NC. Relieving!


Congrats! Did the letter come with a certificate? We got a letter from the principal congratulating my son, but we haven’t received any certificate.

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The one that came to our house said the school has the certificate.


Thanks. It appears that our principal would like to keep it :slight_smile:


Our school has historically saved these for the end of the year academic awards ceremony.

It makes sense. Thanks for sharing that.

Our school does the same. The principal showed the certificate to my D21 and then said we will present it to you later in the year at the annual awards ceremony.

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Anyone from Chester county PA, that heard about NMF yet? Still waiting here. Haven’t heard from school or received a letter yet. Should I be worried? Should I still get something from in mail if I haven’t moved on to be a finalist?

Yes, the “sorry you aren’t a finalist” letters went out over three weeks ago.


Does anyone know if putting down a #1 school has any impact on the consideration for the $2500 scholarship awarded directly from the NMSC? I don’t think so but wouldn’t want them to not consider my D on the assumption she will be awarded one from the #1 school she lists.

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No impact.

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Got in Northeastern and Case-western waiting on BU, USC and RIt admission decisions. Wondering what’s the best school to pick as NMF school. Anyone called NMSC regarding the best thing to do if BU deadline is march 1st?

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D21 received her letter yesterday!


Okay so series of dumb newbie questions about being a Finalist :smiley::

  1. I do not yet know which college I’m going to and whether it will be one of the ones where Finalist status really matters for scholarships or not. But I will definitely know by midApril, and long before 31 May. So I assume I leave my college choice as Undecided until I know?

  2. Should I notify all the colleges I applied to and have not heard decisions back from yet - presumably through a scan of the letter uploaded to the applicant portal or emailed to the admissions office?

  3. I assume there is no reason to notify colleges I have both admissions and scholarship decisions from, but is it recommended to notify colleges that I have been admitted to already but am still being considered for non-NMF-related “scholarship interview weekend”-type scholarships from?

Any info or advice is greatly appreciated - thanks!


Is anyone going to update their colleges of their NMF status, or is that unnecessary and overbearing?

First, congratulations!

  1. Although the last date to change your first choice college is May 31 for the NMSC, some colleges have earlier dates, such as April 30 or even March 1 (for BU and BC, for example). So double check with all your colleges to make sure of all dates. It’s safe to leave your choice as undecided until you are required to make a decision (whether it’s May 31 or earlier).

  2. You don’t necessarily have to notify (because I think most colleges assume you will advance unless there’s something glaringly wrong in your record), but I can’t see the harm. Especially if there are any other updates you have (confirmed valedictorian, additional honor or activity, etc), go ahead and include it in a short note to the AO. I don’t think you should have to scan the letter, although if there is a portal option to upload, that might work as a short and sweet option.

  3. Same as above.



Thank you!! That’s incredibly helpful


Your insights are a big help - thank you! Son21 is a NMF who will, as long as acceptances go the right way this week, likely list FSU as his top choice. Does listing a top choice negate the student’s chances of becoming a NMS? It sounds like your daughter is one (congrats to her) but also attends FSU. The whole process is a bit murky. Thanks.

I’m also wondering about this.

My current assumption is that as long as he lists FSU (or any other sponsor school) as a first choice, he is still designated as a “National Merit Scholar” whether or not he is chosen as one of the 7500 to receive the one-time $2500 from NMSC. Whether or not he is awarded the $2500 shouldn’t matter because FSU would just subtract that from the amount they give to cover Cost Of Attendance (at least that’s how UCF does it iirc). Either way he would still be receiving FSU’s full COA, with or without the 2.5k from NMSC. Therefore, as a finalist, I believe he has already reached the maximum award at any of these schools.

I agree its very confusing, so please correct me if I’m wrong anyone.

@vistajay, thank you, that’s very good to know! I will definitely contact them soon.