Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

That makes sense, thank you

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Any thoughts on sending updates of “Finalist” status to colleges? Since most every semi finalist makes it through and colleges receive notification, I’m curious how admission officers view this event. Thank you.

How do you update colleges, just send an email?

Every school has its unique process. Typically, it can be done by email or letter through the application portal.

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My daughter’s letter finally arriving today! I can see it in informed delivery…


I also see my daughter’s in informed delivery today. She just emailed all of her admissions reps updated them on national merit and a couple of other changes.


My own opinion, FWIW, is that it’s not that important to notify colleges of finalist status since most semifinalists do advance unless there’s a red flag on your application, which likely the AOs would also have access to (e.g. low grades). However, if you’re looking for an excuse to be in contact with your AO just to keep in touch and let them know of your continued interest, it provides a good excuse for sending them an email.


Yay, I see in informed delivery as well, the letter from NMSC !!!


My only caveat to your statement is: if the school offers a NMF scholarship, you need to let them know. Arizona State requires you to let them know so they know to revise your Financial Aid letter.

For highly selective schools, most of whom do not participate in NMSC, I completely agree. They know how it works.

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@amsunshine I finally called BU and they said that historically the NM was awarded to finalists, but that does not hold true for this year. So people might designate BU as their first choice and not get the 25K Presidential Scholarship. He could not explain the criteria on who or how many awards would be granted.

Holy cow. That is just… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: How in the heck can an applicant make a decision?

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Thanks for calling. At least it’s that either you get 25K scholarship or not, and if not, they can still change their first choice before another’s school’s due date. In my son’s case, he is sure about BU and so designated BU as first choice. My only worry is what if they offer any amount less than 25K and we won’t be able to change the first choice. Any idea?

What I would be worried about is whether an applicant would, in fact, be able to change his/her first choice. The 25k scholarship is not the college sponsor scholarship. Maybe what they are saying is they would always award/not award those two things together? I’m not sure that is clear. Do you know?

eta: In other words, I think what they are saying is that it’s possible an applicant might get the small sponsor award, but not the $25k award. Then, if the applicant decides he/she doesn’t want to attend without the $25k award, he/she can no longer have scholar status or claim any NM award at any other school.

Isn’t the 25K the BU college specific sponsor scholarship? (BU has listed on its website, 25K presidential scholarship for selected NMFs)

No. The NMSC college sponsor scholarships are no more than $2k/yr. The $25k is something extra that BU does to attract NMFs. Kind of like how USC awards half tuition. The actual college sponsor scholarship for USC is $1k per year.

As another example, Fordham awards full tuition, on a competitive basis, to NMSFs. They don’t require NMF status for this award, which avoids the whole first choice dilemma that BU creates with the March 1 deadline. However, the full tuition award is not the college sponsor award. Instead, Fordham has a $2k/year college sponsor award that gets awarded at the time a newly accepted NMF designates Fordham as first choice. There is nothing on Fordham’s website about this, and I went round and round with Fordham admissions and financial aid last year until they finally told me that this award was not stackable with their full tuition award, so designating them as first choice just reduces the full tuition award by $2k. Some schools do this, and others allow the college sponsor award to stack. I believe USC’s award stacks. Each school does this differently, so it’s important to get clarification.

Oh ok, I get it. We are fine losing the scholar status if BU doesn’t give us 25K award, we would be more than happy to change it to USC (if USC accepts us :slight_smile: ) and receive their half tuition. After all half tuition is a lot compared to 2K or 1K per year.

OK, so here is what I think you are not processing: If your son loses scholar status because he gets the college sponsor award from BU (but not the $25k), and he decides to go to USC instead, he will no longer be able to receive the half tuition at USC.

@amshunshine - No kidding. What a huge disappointment. I guess we should cross them off of our list! Too much $$$$$


What @amsunshine said is accurate. You will very lose the opportunity for the half tuition at USC if BU makes you a NM scholar with a small about like $1000.

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