Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

Well, I can say for sure, it will be a sleepless night for me. I have been doing a good job of keeping the anxiety hidden from D, but boy it is peaking tonight. I keep looking at the score conversion. It just makes me sick that she studied so hard for so long and 3 questions wrong in R/W will knock her out of contention. Fingers crossed for D and all of your kids!

I’m definitely pulling for your dd – best of luck to her!!!

My S21 is not at all worried so I am trying to keep cool. His attitude is so much healthier than mine! “It’s done Mom, nothing we can do to change the outcome and if I don’t get NMF, then we will figure something else out. Meanwhile since I was 100% certain of all the math questions and only slightly unsure of one R/W, I’ll be very surprised if I got more than one wrong on the whole test.” He took it on Saturday, Oct. 19th and I’m concerned because the scoring report only gave answers to the two Wednesday tests. Anyway, if he doesn’t get NMF we are both going to be sad and I’m going to have to figure out how not to be too down about it so I can support him through his disappointment. I just need to stop over-thinking this!

anyone know what time 9th.? would midnight be a good bet or can i pretend to sleep and find out tomorrow… ?


supposed to release at 0600-0700 eastern time, so far nothing

just checked… nothing yet

nothing on the other groups as well… very calm on college confidential

My hubby set me up on ghostery but when I log in it says “this page not available til December 11th”. He doesn’t trust using a third party site (aka earlyscores) because they have access to his username and password. (I know it says on their site that nothing is saved, everything encrypted, etc. but he was in IT in his first career and still doesn’t trust it). So I guess we will have to wait til Wednesday. I will live vicariously through y’all! Maybe your posts will keep me busy for the next 48 hours while we wait!

DS scores are out. We are in NC and his SI will be 220 which should be ok for NMSF. He missed 3 on reading and got all right in the other sections. Good luck to all!

We are out. D studying so incredibly hard but sadly has 214. Missed reading and writing questions she really felt like she got right. Well Best of luck to all of you guys!

@BingeWatcher , wait, what!!! Noooooooo!!! I’m so sad for you! She will still get some awesome scholarship money with her outstanding SAT score. Keep your chin up!

@bingewatcher I logged on this morning just to see how your daughter had done. I am sorry that it didn’t work out. There are many merit scholarship options out there that don’t require NMF! For example, I know somebody who got full tuition at UT-D with no NMF and lesser SAT than your D. Message me if you want other ideas. It may require more work on her end with extra scholarship applications but I’m sure she’ll land some place great that you can afford.

Logged in a day early using a IP changing site and checked my Kid3’s scores, SI of 218 (720 English, 740 Math) makes for a confident season here in WV (I don’t think the cut off has been over 212, ever). Yay! Happy dance!!

Now to help her figure out where she wants to go to college!! SO thankful! (Merit aid is critical to considering out of state options for our family.)

Just checked from CA using our own IP address only, son’s psat score was there, couldn’t believe it, he got SI 221. Not sure if he’ll qualify for NMSF, but boy am I glad to see this score !!!

We are out and I’m feeling guilty. S’s score in 10th grade would have qualified for NMSF so we didn’t offer him prep, and he said he’d do it on his own. He did some, not a ton, and reading was always lower than math (but still in low-mid 700s on practice), but on this one, he bombed reading/eng. Ugh.

@havenoidea Yours is not the only student whose score dropped between sophomore and junior year.

Does anyone know when the state cutoff thresholds are posted?

We won’t know those until next year – when NMSF notices go out in the fall.

Just got our score 217 - DD scored 222 on last year’s. So disappointing - hope the SI does go down!