Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

Yes my daughter had # 4 to accept the scholarship.

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My daughters award is national merit scholarship program!


Probably it is the case. My son has the same message, no scholarship.

No #4 here. I know I am asking for too much :laughing:

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My daughter received a scholarship today. I need to figure out the logistics of timing of accepting by the 4/7 and how that works if she’s accepted at USC.

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She doesn’t need to worry about USC or timing. You should have her accept the scholarship.

It does not affect the half tuition for NM Scholars at USC. It only replaces the additional stipend USC offers, which I believe is $1K per year.

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Did Utah previously have a scholarship for non-resident Finalists? I swear that used to be listed on their website, but no longer see it. Their website currently only lists the “University of Utah Merit Scholarship with Presidential Honors” for residents. DD applied their last fall as a NMSF because we thought they offered large scholarships for NMF, but now that she is NMF it doesn’t look like they do. Probably OK because she’s pretty sure she wants to stay closer to home anyway, but if I’m correct that they used to offer it, that’s a little bit frustrating.

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My S received $2500 award today. My question is that the remaining finalists automatically eligible to get a college sponsorship ie $1000/year?
If student awarded $2500 , have to take it- correct?


There is no reason not to take the scholarship as it makes your D a NM Scholar. I realize the $1K stipend per year is more than the NMS $2500, and that is why sometimes people hope not to get the $2500 (my D, included). However, the benefit of the $2500 is that it can be used at any school.

Yes, the remaining finalists are eligible to receive that $1K per year at USC, assuming they are accepted. That stipend is what makes those finalists NM scholars.

Theoretically, a school might offer to make up the difference between the $2500 and the $1K per year (if that is the award they give), but I don’t believe USC does that. I’m fairly certain UTD does not, either.

Hope that was helpful.


Thank you so much for your information. Greatly appreciated!!!

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D got it. She had # 4 to accept the scholarship.


You need to accept it and make sure that the college choice is the school where he is going. (This money directly goes to the Financial Services of that school. Earier my elder D got it and and her school MIT got the money and credited $1250 in both semester’s tuition.)

Thank you!!!

Did you hear back from NEU about how much NMF scholarship will they offer?

$5000 more than the merit scholarship they offered.

When did you receive that? By mail, email or through portal? I haven’t heard anything. I did email the admissions counselor and sent my letter. Did you do anything else?

My teen hasn’t committed yet. But that’s the response from the financial aid office. That’s whom you need to contact, not AO. Good luck!

Congratulations to all of of those who received scholarships today!

I do not work for the university so always confirm with them before making a financial decision.

In our experience, it was very difficult to find people that know the nuances of the USC National Merit college sponsored scholarship vs the $2500 NMSC Scholars scholarship.

The half-tuition scholarship is for national merit finalists. As far as the additional college sponsored scholarship, the way an admissions officer explained it to me is that if NMSC awards a student $2500, making them a National Merit Scholar then you are done. You can decline the $2500 but USC will not give the student a college sponsored scholarship on top of the tuition scholarship. If a student is not awarded scholar status through NM then USC will give them a college sponsored scholarship and designate the student as a scholar.

I can’t say with 100% certainty that a student who is receiving a NM half-tuition Presidential scholarship will be eligible for the additional college sponsored scholarship. Another parent posted about the $4K last year. Her child was awarded the Trustee scholarship so I’m not sure if the additional scholarship is awarded to Presidential scholarship recipients as well.

I hope this makes sense. If not, feel free to ask me any questions.

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Is that added to your teen’s merit scholarship in the portal? Wondering if it’s ok if one of parents call the financial aid office tomorrow?

No, it won’t be added until the student designates NU as the #1 choice in the NMC website. Mine hasn’t committed yet.

So, we have an email assurance of the extra $5000, that’s all.

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