Class of 2021 RD Discussion

anyone hear


do you guys think no news is bad news? it seems like they havent sent any rejections yet, would they be sending them later?

Welp… just got rejected lol maybe @ChancetheGuesser is right.

It says my decision is ready but when I click on view/download it won’t work. Like clicking on it isn’t registering… any advice?

@collegecc2017, if you are using Chrome, try safari instead. Also try another device.

I keep clicking and all it says is “mailed” assuming we will just have to wait. Any idea how long it will take in the mail?

Same here

make sure pop ups aren’t blocked

@nj7300, so sorry. @1616161616, also sorry.

@1616161616 , oops, I misread. Did you mean same here you can’t see your notification or same here that you were rejected? Sorry if I got that wrong.

sorry to hear that @nj7300 , what were your stats, if you dont mind me asking

I had trouble viewing the decision letter on canelink using Chrome and Safari until i figured out how to disable the pop up blocker.

Got my package in the mail today. I know Miami is a fine school and am proud to be accepted, but it definitely doesn’t meet financial need by any means, if my financial package is indicative.

I am sure I’m not the only one who has not received their decision I emailed my admissions counselor asking whats up it is very frustrating. I know we couldn’t have all gotten denied, because there are some people who got denied already.

Guys, any news?

@JessRoman you haven’t received your decision yet?

no :frowning:

me neither @JessRoman

@WWWard I hope your D got into USC & got the FA you were seeking. My son got Presidential Scholarship, plus additional small FA grants to make UM’s price that of our EFC. USC’s NPC (which is on their website & not run thru CB), put us down as getting $0 FA – yep, paying $65k per year – that is over 50% of our income, so while we were a bit curious to see if that is really what would be (not) offered, it’s a moot point, as our son didn’t get into USC. Maybe it’s all for the best as he liked UM better & it’s actually affordable for us. (My H is a USC grad, so Fight On!).