I guess they won’t be out today
So sick of this waiting… I just want to know otherwise without a scholarship I can just accept a different offer
@kc9191 Right?!? I just want to know, good or bad
just got off the phone with them and they said invitations to interview will go out early march.
smh people are going to make plans by early march
@Harryp17 :’(
Thats not very logical though because people may have planned other stuff already by then.
@harryp17, I remember reading in earlier threads they gave people who called that same generic answer, even on the day they released invitations. I wouldn’t read much into it. Should be by Wednesday.
Why change it all up this year though?
@ceciliaagnes really? I just dont see the reason why they would do that lol
My guess is to keep all of us over-anxious nut jobs from calling them. :))
So it’s not today right?
Doesnt seem like so.
Hopefully today is the day
What if we are just trolling ourselves and it’s actually going to come out in March like WashU says it will? My internal battle between hope and pessimism is really entertaining.
That word was tr oll ing… that’s sensored… why?
can they just release it today, the waiting is killing me
So what will happen first when they release them? Like will calls go out first or will the pathway be updated or will we get an email or what?
I believe pathways updated first