@marg928 My D attends UNCSA. They ask you to hold either a morning or afternoon for the audition. They have a group info session for students and parents at the beginning of the Audition block that is around 30 min or so. It is very worth it to attend. They give an amazing overview of the program and what separates it from others. My D loved the staff and was totally sold after that session.
You are also given an audition time slot which will be about 10-20 min.
I suppose you could squeeze something in between if you had time but I wouldn’t stray too far in case they are ahead of schedule.
When UNCSA gives you the times you will get two 1) info session at noon and 2) individual audition at 2:30. (For example)
You can email Bill Poole at the school if you are wondering about your time. He scheduled them.
as for the audition UNCSA requires a song and three monologues.
They provide a lot of MT training for a “straight” drama program. Several Kids in my D’s class were all MT and chose UNCSA over other MT schools (including CMU). They have a very intensive curriculum that is similar to LAMDA. The acting curriculum is also similar to Juilliard. (Meaning drama students get training in all areas vs separating MT and acting).
The students take a lot of dance, voice, mask, stage combat, speech, technique, movement, film, etc, etc, etc. it is a toolbox approach and most courses are part of a 4 year curriculum.
Has anyone received confirmation of date/time for audition for Hartt? With so many apps out there we are a little confused, but our notes indicate that my D finished her supplement, requested her three audition date choices, and hasn’t heard anything. She sent an email, but I thought I’d ask about it here as well.
@bfahopeful I emailed Bill Poole and he got back to me. He is only up to the applications submitted on 12/2 and my D submitted on 12/6 so I guess we won’t get a link until next week. He did say there would be 9am and 2pm info sessions. I also have to schedule SUNY Purchase the same day and I’m afraid to do that until I hear back from UNCSA. When you go to schedule Purchase they tell you the appointment can rarely be rescheduled!
I found Bill Poole super helpful so if you got the morning and needed the audition time moved earlier vs later in the morning session, I bet they could accommodate that. Just guessing but seems reasonable
@1bamom Hartt waits until all recommendations are in and then sends an audition confirmation. It is not just a block of time unfortunately if you are unifieds. There is an information session, which is either in the morning or afternoon and a dance/vocal audition time which is in the other part of the day. It certainly would be easier to have the information session for all morning people in the am, but my S’s audition time doesn’t allow him to attend morning information.
@1bamom the first email regarding Hartt was from acceptd saying the application was complete, the second was from acceptd saying the recommendation was received, and the third email received 3 days later was directly from Hartt.
It’s really a shame Elon doesn’t go to Unifieds. They are missing out on a ton of talent. And worse they hold one of their on campus auditions the same weekend as Unifieds!
Let me know if I should start a new thread with this question: What are the schools with call back weekends and does anyone know dates for those weekends?
@KaMaMom I know I have reacted to this information before but there should be a DISLIKE VERY MUCH button - I cannot IMAGINE the reasons to cut a student from a program senior year. It’s unconscionable.
@marg928 - you might want to post that in the theater forum rather than MT, as callback weekends are more of a straight acting thing. The ones I know about from years past are Minn Guthrie, Rutgers, Juilliard, and I think (???) UNCSA
If you happen to be applying to British Schools like RADA, LAMDA, or Guillford, I believe they have callbacks as well.
@toowonderful you beat me to the exact same post! Great minds @marg928.
UNCSA doesnt do a callback but does an accepted students weekend only for drama. It is awesome in helping kids decide if the school is for them. The prospective class spends the weekend together in “typical” days for the BFA doing workshops and classes. Last year it was late march.
Guthrie callback was end of feb. Juilliard is also in feb or early March I think. Don’t know about Rutgers.