My D just got a message on Accept’d that she’s invited to audition at Elon on 2/3. She had just about decided not to even apply there (I guess they are a school that reviews prescreens without the school application filed) but I’m going to encourage her to go. We visited in August and loved the campus.
@marg928 My D (an Acting major) had a conflict with UMinn/Guthrie c/b weekend. They permitted her to tape her callback (I really thought that was the kiss of death but after a time on the W/L, she was ultimately admitted). We will re-think Spring show commitments with D2 - it will depend on her final list. The HS has moved the spring show up (before Spring break; when we started in the district it was after Spring break – a much more convenient time for Acting/MT kids!). I think after this spring, D2 will probably be done with HS performing.
Venting…my D wanted to do all the applications on her own, which can be a good thing, but we were hoping for early action at one school (went through all the troubles of getting it done early…made flight/car/hotel arrangements, auditioned early, etc) then I come to find out she checked “regular admission/decision” on her application so she wasn’t considered for early action…ugh…about to cry!
oh no @cpx4gb! I’m not embarrassed to say I did EVERYTHING except write the essays and memorize the monologues! I’m too type A and my D is type B and she would never have gotten it all done!
Was really hoping to find out before the holidays so we can use the break to adjust audition package and school list/auditions accordingly
I would be extremely frustrated too, @cpx4gb. Ugh.
@marg928 - congrats! I thought results to prescreens weren’t going to be available until 1/18. Was this for MT?
@marg928 when did D send in her prescreen (to Elon) we are still waiting but sent it really late.
Apparently marg928 is talking about acting prescreen which came out today.
Yes acting for Elon
@marg928 - This is the Musical Theatre forum. There is a drama/theatre forum that might be better suited for you.
Not sure what to do about the callback weekends. D is in spring show that is Julliard call back. We live close to NYC so may be do-able. But it is a rep class she has to be in show. You can’t say on the off -chance I am one of 40 called back I can’t be in this required show!! Also Guthrie call back weekend ties in when CMU and Julliard and Pace auditions are scheduled. We scheduled those before we applied to Guthrie. Should we pull application or just go to audition and see if there is a callback? This is getting dicey!!
@Barrie08 - a lot of us switch back and forth between forums, and I think there is great crossover in information - but I can understand the confusion about differences in dates.
@musicmama123 - if it was ME (and it isn’t) regarding Juilliard- I would say go for it. As you say- odds are SO tiny…if you did end up having a conflict, it would be a good problem to have.
The Guthrie is a different issue. As @artskids said above, she was able to submit callback via video, but, as she noted, that would make me nervous. I guess you have to decide what schools are more important to you. Can you move the CMU/Juilliard/Pace? Where is Guthrie on your list? My guess is lower since you didn’t apply with the other schools.
I don’t think the acting/theatre forum is nearly as active as the MT forum - so oftentimes acting folks join in on the MT boards for information. All are very welcome! Perhaps what would help , @marg928 and any other acting folks posting on the MT threads, is when you post in the MT forum about a response from a school - just remind us that you applied for acting, not MT. That will help those who applied for MT not freak out if they haven’t heard anything at the same time! And sometimes there is crossover as some kids apply to both acting and MT at some schools if they can.
Thanks for advice. I think you are right on both counts.
@musicmama123 my D is in a similar situation. She just signed a contract for a show that starts rehearsals Mid January. Her situation is a bit different in that the show does not open until first weekend in April. But, before she signed she printed out a list of all possible college conflicts and travel dates etc…a kind of “worse case scenario” including those possible callback weekend dates, with the understanding all of it could happen. They agreed to the conflicts. Could you do a similar thing? Could you contact the instructor or director of the rep class and discuss your worse case scinario conflicts? See if they give your D the blessing to continue?
@Barrie08 I know but it’s not active and I like it here better
@vnstar I try to do that but sometimes I forget. Most people on here seem to know already but I shouldn’t assume that everyone remembers!
KaMaMom, Millikins program has always been no cut unless they failed their hurtles a second time. For a senior to be cut then it wasn’t a cut but flunked out of the program on their own accord and ignored the warnings they received. Millikin has always bent over backwards to help their students do well including finding them a tutor for any subject that they offer, free of charge, for one on one tutoring. Prof’s make their requirements very clear and are willing to work with the students to make sure that they meet them. It is much easier for a student to blame the univeristy/prof that to take responsibility for their own mistakes.
@artskids Millkin doesn’t cut seniors. Senior year is not a time to slack off either. If they failed to do what they are required to do, yes, they will be removed from the program, but after fair warning and offers of help. So fault lies with the student, not with the program. Yes, I have known some who didn’t graduate after 5 years but I also know that the university spent 4 years working them. Guess they figured if they didn’t go to class, turn in the work on time, skip labs and text in class when they went (most profs will take off points for that), and not meet with tutors, that they would still graduate. College is a time for growing up and taking responsibility.