Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

How are commended scholars informed? or does it just show up on their college board account?

Commended scholars are notified by their school principal. They are usually notified at the same time like NMSF.

In spring, the school principal received a list of students that made the commended cutoff. At that point itā€™s unclear who from the list would become a NMSF, so they often wait with any notifications till after NMSF are announced.


My D22 made it to NMSF in Georgia with SI 221. Principal just shared with her this morning and mentioned they are not allowed to release publicly until September.



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This gives me hope. My one son got 217 in IL. Holding my breatheā€¦They have been receiving mailers though from unis recruiting them, I think related to nmsf. Someone mentioned something about this earlier.

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My son got 217 in IL as well! Fingers crossed


Alabama anyone? Reddit says 212 but not counting on that yet.

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Why is it that some students (including non-homeschoolers) are notified directly while most find out through their schools?

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I believe there was a deadline in order to apply for alternate entry. April 1, 2021 is what Iā€™ve seen.



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So principals were formally notified months ago of the students who hit the commended cutoff? And it was then up to the principal whether to inform the student or not? Just want to confirm this. (Son exceeded the commended cutoff but hasnā€™t been formally notified of it and would like to include it on Common App nonetheless.)

Yes a deadline and I think you are right about April 1.

Not really everyone does it, they usually wait until NMSF list is out and announce all at same time. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m seeing pretty much from all schools at our county.

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I donā€™t think theyā€™re notified by CB, but by their principals or counselors. My D, many years ago, was notified on the day the school received notification.


Art posted OK max is 210

Does this mean that the letters principals are getting list both SF and commended scholars? Or does one list come first and then the next? Thanks!

Spring list included students with score >= commended cutoff score (so both commended and future NMSF).

Aug list includes NMSF only.


It seems strange that, evidently, so few (if any) principals pass on this April notification to students. Why wouldnā€™t they do that?

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If I were to guess, itā€™s because they donā€™t know who of those students will become NMSF. They most likely want to avoid any confusion between being NMSF and commended.

You may want to contact your principal to check that your sonā€™s name is on the list, or you may wait till Sept 15 and then call NMSC and confirm with them. They may be willing to confirm commended status even now but certainly after Sept 15.

Just spoke with Robin from NMSC and she stated that NMSF letters were mailed last week (as we all know) and for those who made the Commended list (207), the letters will be mailed in September 15th.

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