Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

New predictions!

For what theyā€™re worth, Art at CP has issued his predictions. His explanation of how PSAT and AE scores will be used to determine cutoffs and cohort size matches my hypothesis from above, though his 5-7 point ranges for each state arenā€™t very useful.

Super tutor is the only other projection that Iā€™ve seen


Thanks for posting those.

Weā€™re Michigan and the range is 214-220 from Compass Prep. Rather a large range, lol. With a 221, we will keep our fingers crossed.

Michigan requires 10th graders to take PSAT 10 in April. That was canceled. The make-up for the 19-20 school year was the October PSAT/NMSQT. Our high school normally gives the PSAT on the Saturday and itā€™s at a cost to the student. This year, it was during the school day and was free to the student, since it was the required test. I know many districts who were full-time remote, opened to give the tests. I feel like we will have more test takers this year than in a normal year. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Do you happen to know where he finds his numbers, as far as how many kids took the test, how many scored 1400+, etc?

Iā€™ve seen others say that itā€™s the highest but I donā€™t see that documented. Iā€™d wait until testing is complete and send the highest (Iā€™m sure itā€™s not a superscore). You can test until June and the score needs to be received by October 15.

No, I donā€™t know where Art gets the numbers. The article is written as if the data available but I havenā€™t found it.

According to Artā€™s article, NMSC uses the best SAT score (but it doesnā€™t sound like they superscore)

You may want to ask Art directly. He will know the answer

@RichInPitt Thank you so much for the link. Very interesting explanation of all the possible scenarios and what role the SAT qualification and low participation may play. Time will tell what it means for the total number of NMSF and NMF.

I was actually really excited to see both of these articles. While my daughter scored really well, I had reservations about how AE would affect the naming of NMSFs. We are feeling really good about her chances and are expanding our search to include schools with great NMF packages.

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If you can get into your childā€™s Naviance site, you can see the subsection scores. There will be a score for each of the Math Reading and Writing sections. Multiply those scores by 2 and you will get the index score.

Hereā€™s an example Math 36

Thanks - we got her scores and she did really well. She was so pleased.

Educator have access to scores as of Monday. They will only appear on Naviance, or other tools, or be given to students, if the schoolā€™s administration chooses to do so.

Thatā€™s terrific! Good luck to her.

For January administration - -1 on Math was a 730, -1 on reading was a 750, unsure of the curve on Writing because S22 had nothing wrong in that section. Index score was 223.


Thank you for letting us know, and congratulations to your son! Thatā€™s a harsh math curve.

Yes, my D22 got only 1 wrong on math and it was 30 points off!! She got 221 and for our state it is really, really well based on prior years, but we shall seeā€¦


I got a 221 also! I live in Michigan, so hopefully Iā€™m okā€¦


Hi, My daughter just received a score of 224 in SAT. Will that Qualify for CA ?
Thank you

It is extremely unlikely that the index will be above 224. The index was never above 224, not in CA nor at any other US state.

Just make sure you calculate the SAT index correctly. Each section is capped at the PSAT maximum of 38. Also SAT score can be used only if your child didnā€™t take PSAT.

No state has ever been above 223. It will not jump to 225.

Thank you very much for the informstion.

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My son just received his SAT scores (was not able to take PSAT this year at his school). He did pre register with the national merit org as student who wanted to have his SAT scores considered

He scored 790 V and 790M. I dont have any subscores, he sent me a screen shot of the overall results, so there may be more detail avail.

Is there a formula to convert to the PSAT points system? Is he likely to named National Merit Scholar? We are in Calif.

I got his subscores from his SAT, Reading 39, Writing 40, Math 39.5. Based on what I can see all are capped at 38, so he ends up with an index of 228. hard to know how that will play out with some students applying under PSAT and some under SAT, but I assume he has high probability of making it to NMF.