Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

I believe the answer is yes. The purpose of the SAT is to show NMSC a confirming score — to establish that the exam used to get Semifinalist status wasn’t a fluke of some kind.

They want to see two high-score exams (the confirming exam at least at commended level cut-off).

No, students qualifying via AE do not need to send a confirming score. This has been reported to be confirmed in writing by other AE entrants.

(But calling/emailing to confirm is alway better than depending on random webizens).

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Semifinalist qualified through AE does not need to send another score, that is what I was told when I called. But I agree it is always a good idea to call/email to confirm by oneself.

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We got a letter yesterday from NMC requesting to upload SAT/ACT score before 31st Dec. Anyway daughter sent them already, probably on same day letter was mailed.

Has anybody heard about official NMF status from their school?

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Not yet. We are in NC.

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Not in Louisiana

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Not in Virginia :frowning:

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Not in Maryland.

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Iirc, the “mailed on Monday” SF notifications also rarely made it to students before the next week. There may have been one or two Friday updates.

USPS 1st Class delivery has eroded to “1-5 business days”, but I would think a high school in the vicinity of where letters are mailed would get the notification to some students by now.

But I haven’t seen any reported here or Reddit, nor does Google News show anything.

Maybe they weren’t mailed first class, but were sent third or fourth class?

My D22 would like to indicate NMF status on a scholarship app that is due Tuesday, but it’s not looking like official notice will arrive in time. :frowning:

Haven’t heard from our school yet.

I see a letter from NMSC in our USPS Informed Delivery. We homeschool (NY), and I receive all the school principal correspondence.


CA - nope.

Same situation, should we include it since we didnot receive the rejection letter?

My daughter is going to wait until the last minute and asked her principal to keep a lookout. If it doesn’t show up, she will reword her scholarship app to say she is expected to be named Finalist this month or something.


Nothing here in California. We were also hoping to include it in some scholarship applications with deadlines looming. It seems like the NMSC should know that and maybe use a more efficient notification method (like email or a portal or something?!) but here we all sit wondering…


Definitely annoying!

The NMSC in my Informed Delivery (NY) was indeed a letter to our homeschool announcing a NMF (aka S22). I hope you all hear from your schools either today or early next week.

A note about certificates (from the NMSC letter):
Due to an unforeseen delay with our print vendor, a Certificate of Merit for your Finalist will be sent to you later this spring.

In March, NMSC winners (those receiving a scholarship directly from NMSC) will be notified by email.


Thanks for the update! Bummer regarding the certificates, but with current labor and supply chain shortages, not surprising.

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