Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

@blondednikes You will also have to have a confirming SAT or ACT score which you may already have in which case you will just need to send it to NMSC. The confirming test has to be taken within certain time frame. I know that a test taken as junior/senior will count, but I don’t recall how far back it goes.

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I took the ACT in June 2020 and got a 35. The score is good, but I’m worried about the date. Earlier this week my school had a proctored test but cancelled it due to internet issues. That might have been my last chance (as I doubt I’ll have time to study and score well in the future).

Early reports on Reddit from homeschool “principals” (parents) say that the Commended cutoff for the 2022 program is 207.

Any homeschool “principals” here that have received this to confirm?

Confirming tests need to be between Fall of Sophomore year and December of Senior year.

So August 2019 through December 2021 for the 2022 program (current Juniors).


Where are you getting this information? Can you please post a link?

If true, then that means the Commended cutoff dropped from 209 to 207. Insert wild speculation here.

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My speculation is that many fewer students took the test this year, so filling 50,000 slots fell to a lower score.

Pretty much as expected, I’d say.

Art at CollegePrep had predicted 206-208 or 206-209 in two different posts, so this is consistent.

Looking through the NMSC Student Guide for this year’s juniors, it looks like AE had to be specifically requested and postmarked by April 1, 2021 (pg 7 of the guide). I scanned this thread but didn’t see any mention about that.

I could see that really reducing the number of AE since it would require a certain level of being proactive on the part of the student/parents.

Hard to tell how many were aware of the option and deadlines.

But as previously discussed, AE has no impact on Commended or State cutoffs.

I think the open question is whether Finalist qualifications will remain as-is, with 94% of SFs making it on to Finalist or will the criteria be tightened to keep it at ~15,000 Finalists.


Early reports on Reddit from homeschool “principals” (parents) say that the Commended cutoff for the 2022 program is 207. Any homeschool “principals” here that have received this to confirm?

I can confirmed that the Commended cutoff is indeed 207. I received a letter from NMSC today.


So it’s 2 point down from last year…

Which is about as expected.

Most states with significant COVID-related testing restrictions will probably drop 2-3 points, at least. I suspect that less-impacted states may be +1 to -1.

Does anyone think that New York’s cutoff will drop from 220 last year to 219?

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219 is quite possible. I get the impression that NY was one of the more heavily impacted states, making it more likely to see a decline.

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So when are cutoffs actually announced?

How probable is it that Florida will drop from a 216 to a 215?

How probable is it that Florida’s will drop from a 216 to a 215

Cutoffs are announced in early September. This is a very long process that involves lots of waiting :frowning:

Was NY really heavily impacted? I believe a huge majority of schools were open in October and even in January. I’ve heard of many students who took the test in October, both in NYC and other counties.