Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

And now the excitement begins! Post and let us know as your kids are notified by their high schools. Hopefully there won’t be too many CCers whose schools drop the ball.

Our HS typically will summon the Semifinalists to their college guidance counselor during the school day and notify them they are selected, a day or so after receiving the list. Then they will send an email home to the parents. They’ll schedule a photo shoot with the semifinalists in coat and tie, which they release on the school web site after 9/15 with a short background as to where each student went to elementary/middle school and listing the parents. Then the local paper will usually pick it up. The number of semifinalists has varied recently. Last year was quite low: 12. Usually there are 20-30, and they’ve had as many as 50 in a year. I think this class will have about 25.


Those who homeschool, please share the info when you get letters! Thank you.


How do you find these dates out? Just curious. I don’t know how well our school does in notifying kids, so don’t want to bother them if the dates are off :slight_smile:


At least one report of a score being received today - maybe CB finally entered the modern email era?

These notices are only to allow schools to confirm student data - they aren’t supposed to notify students of qualifying until 9/15, so don’t expect to be officially notified soon from your school. They will likely tell you that either they don’t have the data or they’re not allowed to share it. (Because they’re not).

Art at Compass Prep has a solid network of homeschooling parents, who receive the notices as “principals’ for their kids - that’s how he collects and publishes his (unofficial) list.

(There are several other forums for discussion and info - Reddit being a primary one).


Can you share the exact Reddit forum link.
Thank you!

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We live in NY, and no letter showed up today. If the letters are out, I should receive one by the end of the week.

Unfortunately, even after I get one, I won’t be of much help when it comes to cutoffs. The letter will only specify that S22 is a NMSF, but it won’t list the sate cutoff. S22 PSAT index was 224 which should be clearly in.


People like to post that they received notification and then their selection index. Even though it does not tell you the state cut off per se, it is helpful to know when someone with a selection index near the anticipated cut off receives confirmation.


Anyone know anything yet? Thanks



You are right, just wish I could be of more help. It’s a pity that the cutoff isn’t included in the notification.

Nothing here yet. I got the spring notification with the correct PSAT index, so S22 is certainly in their system.


I though only principals get the info on who becomes a national merit semifinalist? When did school counselors start getting the information too? Also, if this post is true, than that means it was probably sent digitally right?

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In our school only the principle get it

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The letters are addressed to the principal of the school who may then pass it onto the school counselor. In case of homeschooled students, the parents are considered to be the principals of the school.

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I’ve told this story here before, but for my eldest her HS principal was out of town so I convinced his secretary to root through his mail with me, find the letter and open it to confirm NMSF status. I volunteered a lot so I had some stroke, but they still teased me for a while about being “that” parent, lol.


Hi…the other rudeness aside, congrats on your son being commended at the least. What state are you in & has there been any word from your school?

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I’m a homeschool parent in NC. Nothing in today’s mail.


PickleParent Thanks for the update!


Nothing in NY either.


They know when the principal tells them. I suspect this is within an hour of receipt at most schools.

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