Class of 2022 - Nepal

@juliuscesar2000 Wew, those are pretty darn good colleges. All the best with your application. I’m pretty sure there are a lot of other applicants applying to those schools. I’ll be applying to Cornell ED!

@Uraniumsudan Yes, I am pretty sure about Duke giving full scholarships to international students.I know three Nepalese who got into Duke but they did their A Levels and IB in Hastings sponsored by Pestalozzi UK. They graduated grade 10 from BNKS and GBS. From this we can assume that they might give scholarships to students who went to high school in Nepal itself. So, i think it’s a good idea to apply to duke this fall. And I am planning to RD duke. let’s see what happens.

@Uraniumsudan Johns Hopkins does not provide any form of financial aid to international students.
@blackdeath10011 Yeah, there are. I already know two more guys who are applying to Northwestern ED. If what I have heard is true, there are 4 people applying to UChicago EA. By the way, each year, more than 20 Nepalese apply to Cornell ED.

@blackdeath10011 Two of my friends are applying to Cornell ED too. If you don’t mind me asking, what are your stats?

@juliuscesar2000 I’m taking the SAT on October and expecting a score around 1500 (based on my past test scores) and I got a 114 on TOEFL. My grades are not very good, but I don’t think stats should matter as much.

Anyone in their second year of high school here? How are you holding up?, I’m pretty stressed out with the process already.

I’m in my second gap year, too. I’m relatively chilled. I agree that the application process can get unnerving , but stressing yourself would be the last thing you’d want to do.

@blueshift I wish I could not take any stress. But unlike you, we ain’t getting no letter from USEF to send to colleges.

What’s the letter you are talking about? Can I get one too?

@juliuscesar2000 OF? What letter?

Guys who is Earlying NYUAD this fall? Would you please share your stats? Are you guys going to use SAT scores?

Hi @unifeva. We have ample of juniors applying for ED1 and ED2 with almost everyone scoring A’s and A* in their internals. Amongst them, 1 seemS to be strong applicant with 112 in TOEFL and 32 in ACT.

@connecious Applying to NYU AD? Damn those are some pretty good stats. What about you and where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?

@blackdeath10011, I will be applying to either Vanderbilt or Colgate for ED1 and I’m from Gems. Where will you be applying, man?

@connecious I’ll be applying to Cornell ED1 like I mentioned before. How was the applicant who got into Cornell Class of 2021? Did you know him personally?

@connecious Hey. Glad to hear that. . And best of luck for your application to Vanderbilt/Colgate mate.

Hey Guys. I am applying to Dartmouth for my ED. Do you know any folks applying to Dartmouth for ED?

I was planning on doing ED at Northwestern University but does Northwestern University provide aid to International students?

@juliuscesar2000 If you don’t mind me asking what are your stats.

@jjjjjjjog 1500+ SAT (May 2017)
SAT Subject Tests- 2400(Physics, Chemistry, Math) June 2017
3 A*, 2A in A Levels
TOEFL- 112