Class of 2022 Nursing Admissions

What a crazy ride this has been! As we are eagerly awaiting the results from many EA applications,

Where have you been accepted and are you still waiting to hear from some colleges?
Where do you want to go?

There do not seem to be too many nursing majors on this board, but we have found this nursing search to be very different than the search we had for my son a few years ago. We haven’t looked so much at the prestige of the school and ranking…but at the size of the nursing program, direct entry, clinicals and NCLEX pass rates. From tours and admissions, we keep hearing…" a record number of people interested and applying to nursing". My daughter applied to more colleges than I would like to admit and has been accepted at 3 rolling so a lot of the pressure is off…but she was very nervous about how tough the competition is this year for the programs and waiting to hear from a few of her favorites. Finger crossed for everyone waiting…nursing is a noble profession!

@collegecrazies I agree it is very different! I have 4 older kids and this is my 5th time so I definitely see the difference. My D has been admitted to:

Stevenson U
York College of PA (ED)
East Stroudsburg U
D’Youville College
Waynesburg University
Pitt Greensburg
Neumann University
Edinboro University

She went with York

@toomanyteens Congrats! My D is in at York also…a great nursing program. Did not send in a deposit yet, as she is waiting to hear from a few others, but I don’t want her to wait too long. Accepted rolling at Widener and Florida Southern College (her one warm weather selection) all the others should be coming in during the next month.

Congrats to all so far! My daughter has been accepted to Stockton (we have sent in the deposit based on some good advice from others here, even if she is not 100% sure she will be attending), Piit-Johnstown and Marymount University. Waiting to hear from 9 others.

@collegecrazies Hubby and I wanted her not TOO far away so unless something far was UBER affordable in comparison, we nixed it. Mainly it is because we can see she will need a car at some point on campus and it is easier for us all logistically (when something happens to said car) to deal with it within driving distance in a few hours.

I am pleased we found a decent price with her merit at York and a good program in a good spot. It was not easy!

My D is also going for nursing and it is a very different process than it was for her 3 older siblings! And she also applied to a lot more schools not knowing if she would get accepted! It’s kind of crazy. I have a question based on your posts and some other posts that I have read. Do nursing majors have until May 1st to decide like all of the other majors or do you need to reserve your spot earlier? I don’t recall seeing that anywhere. She was accepted at Udel and Pitt. Would still like to wait to hear from a lot more schools before making a decision.

My D (San Diego CA) has applied for Nursing at 17 schools
Her list of acceptances so far:
Winona State which is a small program in MN that does clinicals with nearby Mayo Clinic. They are offering in-state tuition plus $3.5k.
Xavier accepted but still waiting to hear if she is in for Nursing, awarded $18.5k (no longer offering $20k)
Marquette for direct entry Nursing, $14k
UTK for direct entry Nursing, $15k
Belmont accepted but no word yet on Major or Merit
Azusa Pacific accepted but waiting to hear if she is in for Nursing, $19k
SDSU hasn’t been notified yet but invited to Merit Scholarship ($7.5-10k) reception

Still waiting to hear back from:
Ohio State

Boston College
U of Portland
Seattle U
U of Cincinnati

In addition to playing the waiting game D spends time doing additional rounds of applications if needed for scholarships (ie St Francis for Xavier) and honors programs at her selections. Planning campus visits to select schools soon.

@FanOfFootball May 1 is decision day even for Nursing. We haven’t heard of anything from any accepting school so far to suggest otherwise. Of course if your D has made her selection then she can SIR sooner. Doing so could have advantages such as opening up housing options sooner. Check with Admissions with any specific questions.

Congrats to all so far! My daughter has been accepted to Stockton (we have sent in the deposit based on some good advice from others here, even if she is not 100% sure she will be attending), Pitt-Johnstown and Marymount University. Waiting to hear from 9 others.

Congrats to all so far! My daughter has been accepted to Stockton (we have sent in the deposit based on some good advice from others here, even if she is not 100% sure she will be attending), Pitt-Johnstown and Marymount University. Waiting to hear from 9 others.

Please read the fine print. Some, but not all, colleges require an early deposit to reserve a spot in a nursing major. The colleges are required to give you until May 1 to make a decision for an admission to their college, but they can set an earlier deadline for nursing.

@Banker1 We are in the same situation with Cincinnati and Xavier. Did you do the MMI at UC?

Xavier - in at school, waiting on nursing (will hear end of January)
Cincinnati - no news yet but did get interview (will hear end of January, beginning of February)
Walsh University - in, direct admission. Deposits done here since it’s a frontrunner and its refundable
Ohio Northern - in, direction admission
Capital - in, direct admission
Wright State - in at school, waiting on nursing (coming in March, which is really late)

Otterbein - in at school, admitted to prenursing instead of direct admission even though she exceeded the requirements (I’d caution anyone applying to Otterbein that I never got a straight answer on what freshman direct admission meant - it sounded like even direct admits needed to apply/compete for sophomore clinicals).

My son applied to 7 direct entry programs. He didn’t really want to go to school too far from home (WA was a stretch), so all the schools are on the West Coast. Here’s where we are with acceptances so far.

Accepted to school and nursing:
University of Portland
Pacific Lutheran

Accepted to school, waiting on nursing:
Azusa Pacific University
Concordia, Portland
Seattle Pacific University

Still waiting on school and nursing acceptance (will hear by end of month):
Seattle U

Other schools
UNR - accepted
U of Utah - will hear in Jan

@Banker1, do you know when Azusa Pacific is making their nursing decisions? Azusa is his #1 on his list

@FanOfFootball We heard from admissions that some programs do fill up well before May 1 and then you get waitlisted – that is why we put down a deposit in two places

Son Accepted:

Pitt (main campus - Son’s top pick but way too expensive for OOS so had to nix)
York (deposit paid but still waiting for a few decisions)
Penn State (Altoona - son didn’t care at all for main campus remoteness so didn’t apply, but family in Altoona area)
West Chester
WVU (direct entry not prenursing)
Robert Morris

Still Waiting:

University of Virginia (end of Jan)
Drexel (this week prob)
University of Scranton (this week)
Longwood (Feb)


None yet

Right now (literally as of this morn as it seems to vary from week to week), son thinks his top picks are Duquesne and York (and waiting anxiously for UVA which is a reach), but we still need to tour a few more especially those bringing tuition below 10k with generous merit.

Bloomsburg doesn’t seem to give much merit – LAX coach was interested in my other daughter (much higher academic stats than my nursing student) so that is how I knew. Dissappointing because it has a good reputation for nursing and a really nice campus.

@Banker1 did your daughter apply Early Action to Boston College? The notification date is tomorrow!

@toomanyteens Yeah, sounds right for Bloomsburg. Merit is a separate application (same for West Chester), so not expecting much or any from the PA public schools. Also, Bloomsburg doesn’t seem to have trauma level 1 for clinicals so any falling into that category are moving to bottom of list. Just about the time you think it’s all starting to gel, you find out something about a top choice that makes it tumble or you find out something positive about a lower choice that makes it rise to the top. Will this madness ever end??? :((

Still waiting on answers from 9 out of 11 Northeast schools for my daughter…Scranton and Fairfield should be out this week or next. Hoping for Quinnipiac rolling soon too. She applied mid Oct

Bl;oomsburg is near the main Geisinger Medical Center, which is the center of a Huuuuggee health care system.

off the web: "Geisinger medical center - danville adult level 1 trauma center

The Geisinger Medical Center (GMC) Adult Trauma Program has been continuously recognized since 1985. Located in rural Pennsylvania, GMC serves 42 complete counties and provides support to many Rural Trauma Centers and community hospitals. Tertiary and quaternary care is provided to the surrounding rural population, as well as outreach education to the neighboring community hospitals and pre-hospital program, including 6 helicopters."