My D will be a senior in HS this Fall and we live in VA (very high achieving school district). She is straight A student, 4.2 GPA I think, just earned her EMT cert, volunteers weekly at rescue squad and got accepted into a competitive nursing HS program (every other day at home school taking core classes), has been a class officer one year and very active in youth group leadership. The problem is she scores very poorly on standardized tests. She’s only taken each once so far but got a 22 on ACT and 1020 on SAT. She’s going to take them again but she’s just so scared she won’t get in to any good nursing program. Any advice?
@flo123 Any chance I can get your daughter’s stats from getting into Iowa Nursing Direct Admit last year?
@ameganrod would you mind sharing where your D ended up? we are currently in the same situation! Between Stockton and TCNJ . Just came from Stockton admitted students day and she really loved the school. Going to TCNJs next Saturday. Any insight would be helpful. Thank you!!
Can you please share her stats I’m interested in the same school for nursing?
I’m interested in those schools could you send your stats?