Class of 2022 Nursing Admissions

@hemingways Yes, D applied EA wherever she could and usually just a day or 2 before the deadline.

Hi @apumom I don’t recall if a date was given to my D regarding APU’s final determination of major. I’ve read good reviews about the Nursing program especially by USA Today. We plan to visit this one. I hope your son hears good news soon.

@wildfelix1 It’s hard when the top selection doesn’t make financial sense. I think we have some like that on D’s list.

@bearcatfan thanks for the note about the MMI. I’ve asked D to see what she’s heard about it.

@Charliesch Darn! That’s exactly what I’m talking about…moved Bloomsburg to bottom thinking no trauma 1 in the area. Probably still won’t make financial sense all things considered, but keeping track of all the little nuances is making his narrowing down schools almost impossible. Thanks for pointing out my mistake!

My daughter was accepted to the three direct entry programs she applied to:
Marquette University
Creighton University
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

She also applied at the University of Wisconsin - Madison as an in-state student although they dropped the direct admit nursing option several years ago. Decisions there come out in January.

At this point, she is set on the University of Minnesota. With reciprocity, it should really work out well.

@toomanyteens Forgive my ignorance, but I thought putting a deposit at two schools was grounds to lose the acceptance at both. Am I mistaken? Or maybe this just isn’t enforced? I didn’t realize that was an option and depending on acceptances, could make the decision process far less agonizing. Thanks!

Not that I know @JennsBabySky - I wouldn’t do it for a big list but we wanted to make sure she had A spot as a fallback

@JennsBabySky We deposited early at Walsh because it comes with some perks - allegedly better housing options being the main one. We were told over and over, and it’s in print, that it’s refundable until May. Plus, Walsh is one of her top picks.

The consensus is that you can’t deposit more than one place AFTER the big decision date in May. You can’t go to two schools, obviously. Until then you could put deposits down around the country if you wanted to. Some are not refundable and some are pretty substantial.

I’m SO glad there is a parent thread here now! This is the kind of stuff I’ve been dying to talk about in one place. ;:wink:

Updated: Son received 2 acceptances today…Drexel and University of Scranton. Now a bit of a wait for the final two.

Son Accepted:

Pitt (main campus - Son’s top pick but way too expensive for OOS so had to nix)
York (deposit paid but still waiting for a few decisions)
Penn State (Altoona - son didn’t care at all for main campus remoteness so didn’t apply, but family in Altoona area)
West Chester
WVU (direct entry not prenursing)
Robert Morris
University of Scranton

Still Waiting:

University of Virginia (end of Jan)
Longwood (Feb)


None yet

This thread is awesome! Thank you so much @bearcatfan and @toomanyteens (and all the other posters of course). That makes so much sense about deposits after the “big” deadline. My daughter only applied to a couple direct nursing schools, but she’s hoping to hear soon from Seattle U and that’s one of her top contenders, I’d hate to have her miss that opportunity. This is so stressful. And my daughter is so busy with the application process, scholarship applications, volunteering, and school - I’m not sure how’s she keeping it together. I thought we were prepared, but I think if we could start fresh at the beginning of summer, we’d have a much smoother process the second time around.

I’m a future nursing major. So far gotten in to Umaine, curry, xavier, and drexel!

My daughter has been accepted to direct admit nursing at:
Robert Morris

She has been able to get a good amount of merit scholarship at each of these.
She was wait-listed at West Chester, which wasn’t surprising since we are local to there and they limit local acceptances.
She is waiting to hear from Scranton (hopefully this week) and Purdue.
Then comes the hard part- she has to make up her mind!

I’ve been accepted to University of Portland and University of Pittsburgh (main). Just got deferred to regular decision from Boston College.

@JennsBabySky I hear you on the stress level (I’m a poster at the Class of 2018, too). My daughter has three finals today, and had a web assign in physics due last night at midnight. I hate that teacher, lol. She’s also simultaneously working on honors program/scholarship applications that are conveniently (not) all due in January.

She started the application process in the summer. We narrowed down the visit field to 7, and visited them all during the summer. She had her common app and supplemental essays done, and hit the button on September 1 for all applications, and then waited. It was much easier to do then since she has an extracurricular that is a timesuck, plus volunteering, etc.;

In retrospect there were a couple programs she shouldn’t have bothered applying to, but she wanted to cast a wide direct-admit net in our state. There were some she didn’t apply to based on size, male/female ratio and some quirks with the program she didn’t like. But the 7 she did apply to could have been reduced to 5 based on her likes/dislikes, but you do what you gotta do.

Drexel (not nursing)
Suny Oneonta (not nursing
Ronoake (not nursing)

SUNY Binghamton

St. John Fisher

Overall, I am pretty much down to Hartwick which I got an outstanding merit scholarship from and Adelphi which I’m not sure yet of any scholarships (just found out I got accepted today!). If anyone has any recommendations or suggestions for the schools I applied to, I would love to hear back from you!

My daughter has been accepted to nursing programs at:

University of Delaware
University of Pittsburgh
University of Buffalo Honors College (pre-nursing)
SUNY Plattsburgh

Still waiting on more.

My DD has been accepted to nursing programs at the following:

Stockton and invited to apply to the honors college with a small scholarship.
West Chester University and invited to apply to honors college…not sure of the merit award yet.
Widener with the honors college, she was awarded the Presidential scholarship.
Still waiting on Drexel, was supposed to be EA, but she accidentally submitted as rolling.

University of Delaware she did not get into Nursing, but did get in for her 2nd choice of Biological Sciences.

D received a few more acceptances / notifications of direct entry Nursing along with generous merit awards from:

U San Francisco
U Portland

I submitted my app before the reg decision deadline but not before dec 1- will my nursing app still be considered at UTK?