Class of 2022

Has anyone started hearing anything? At the open house they were a little vague as to when decisions would be out. On one hand they said December and on another said getting things in early would mean your turkey dinner would be nice and happy.

I heard back from LUC today! Accepted! I had my application submitted by 10/16.

Congratulations! Where are you from?



New Hampshire!

I’m in! Submitted my app earlier this month. California.

My son just heard he was accepted with the $17k per year Deans Scholarship. Not sure it will be enough but who knows!

Can you post stats and area of country?

Wait! I am confused … my daughter submitted September 19 th and we haven’t heard… how in the world did you find out in 2 weeks? I called and they said last week that they just started reviewing and that the first decisions would be sent out right before Thanksgiving. Please give Stats on dean scholarship that you were awarded !!! We are hoping for the presidential!

can you please give his stats… act gpa etc.

I got in on the 25th as well! I got the Damen Scholarship which is 21k per year. Not sure if I will be going because it is still pretty expensive but really happy to have it as an option. For anyone wondering, I got a 30 on the ACT and have a 3.9 GPA. I submitted in late September. Good luck to those still waiting to hear back!

Congrats to all so far! DD submitted back in August (although teacher rec was not in until 10/14). Hope she hears soon!

Same with my son. Did the application early but file wasn’t “complete” until mid October due to the school recommendation not being in.

DD received her acceptance today on the application portal!

Could accepted people post stats and area of country? Thanks so much. #Patienceisavirtue

@Navy09mom Good Luck! Double check your portal it was not particularly obvious when she looked earlier today, in fact I think she overlooked it the first time and didn’t notice until we looked this afternoon.

On behalf of my DD2018…

Where are you from: Texas
Applied: August 1 (teacher rec was not submitted until 10/14)
Admission decision: Accepted 10/31
Major: Psychology
GPA: 4.8w
Class Rank: 82/575
SAT: n/a
ACT: 27
Extras Visit?Essay?Resume?: Visited in Feb 2016 & August 2017, submitted essay and resume
Scholarship?: Yes, Damen Scholarship $21k per year

Congratulations. Thanks for posting.

YAY!!! Daughter found out today that she go the Damian for 21k a year!

ACT 30
GP 3.97
Ranked 53 out of 1125
lots of clubs.etc.

From Texas! Good luck everyone!!!

I got my acceptance and Presidential scholarship (22K) last Friday. Application was submitted 10/4.

From Ohio, 1540 SAT, 35 ACT, 4.0 UW GPA.

Don’t know if that actually helps anyone but I hadn’t seen any posts from people who got that scholarship. Good luck to everyone who hasn’t heard yet!