Class of 2023 Admission

@NursingMajor7689 I applied EA into nursing last year to UNH and I was also deferred too but got in during the RD round. I had 3.99 GPA (UNH probably recalculated that number since it’s different from my high schools format) and 1240 SAT. Good luck!

@NursingMajor7689 D was admitted to alternate major (undeclared in HHS College) instead of Nursing. She’s OOS, and expected this result based on CC data from past years and only 48 clinical slots/class. GPA~3.7, SAT~1200-1300 with very good recs and ECs. Apparently UNH Nursing had a GPA floor of 3.8 this year. As others have said, it’s hard to reconcile that with a holistic admissions approach. Good luck in March!

Hi everyone, D applied EA to UNH on Nov 8. Portal has said “complete-ready for review” since Dec 18th and still nothing. UNH is her first choice and she will def go here if accepted but we are just VERY concerned because we haven’t heard anything. Is it normal to be this late in the game on an EA app and not hear anything? She has some friends who have already heard back from UNH (1 friend Accepted to NSG) and others that are still waiting for word like we are. Anyone know how much longer it could go before we hear? My D is so stressed out and worried. The only school she REALLY wants is UNH but not feeling too confident that we’ll get good news. We are OOS, 3.5 GPA, athlete, NHS, all Honors and AP courses, many extra-curriculars and has great LORs. SAT (low 1000) and CA scores are average (she gets very nervous and anxious with timed tests) but we know UNH doesn’t put as much weight on test scores as other schools. She has already been accepted to Stonehill and they offered her $22K/yr. Her major is Liberal Arts, so not a competitive major. Anyone have any info or advice? The waiting is killing us.

@icecream25 Thanks for the input! I have a 4.02 gpa and 1240 SATs so our stats are pretty similar so fingers crossed! Did you tour UNH? I was supposed to tour it but never did, I was wondering if maybe they take into account whether a student tours it since I live in MA, UNH isn’t super far from me.

@needinfopls - D applied at the same time EA. She just got her letter this weekend accepted into COLSA in her program. We are instate, 3.9 GPA, 3 season athlete, NHS, Honors and AP courses, many EC’s.
I feel your angst - UNH is #1 for my D and she got deferred UVM EA same program - 2 weeks ago
She got accepted 1 week ago EA Umass (same program).
Not sure why the delay with UNH - but she’s breathing a big sigh of relief.
FYI - Her bestie got accepted into Engineering this weekend as well.
I think you should be hearing soon…keep the faith.

@NursingMajor7689 Yes, I did tour UNH but not really the nursing facilities. I’m from MA too and I had no idea how I got in after being deferred last year. Tbh I did not expect to get into the nursing program there.

@icecream25 Congratulations on being part of the UNH Nursing program! Out of curiosity, how do you like the Nursing program at UNH (facilities, profs, students, clinical opportunities)? And why did you choose UNH over your other options? Do you see many internal transfers into the Nursing program?

@MAPAone No, I did not choose to go to UNH. I just was on this thread to respond to a person about their possibilities of getting in because I applied last year. I got in but chose to go to UMB out of all my other options.

@Bruins47 Congrats to your D on her acceptance! And thanks so much for your response and the info you provided. I appreciate it so much. I wanted to tell you that you were right about hearing soon - my D got accepted today! Her acceptance was posted on the portal this afternoon, so I suspect she willl get the letter in a few days based on what others on the portal have said. Woo hoo!! What a load off!

Thanks again for taking the time to respond to me! Wishing your D all the best at UNH!

My daughter just got into UNH today. Business administration. 3.9 gpa, National Honor society, a lot of volunteering and programs.Field Hockey, Basketball and Lacrosse. Good luck to all.

My daughter who applied to the social work program STILL hasn’t heard back. Does anyone know when the deadline is that admissions has to make the EA decision? On pins and needles!

D received her official acceptance yesterday (Thurs 1/10) into the Nursing program. Her portal changed from complete - under review to accept - EA the Friday before I believe. OOS - MA.

Good luck all, anxious time waiting…

@Bruins47 in reply to your question to me on UVM - kiddo’s stats are similiar, 4.2 weighted/1350sats, 3 season athlete, some volunteer work in the field, also honors soc, some student gov, musician, wrote a pretty great unique supplementary essay - so a couple things that would set apart. Major - Biochem in School of Agriculture and Life Sci. Congratulations on unh!

I applied RD so I wasn’t expecting to hear back for a while, but today I got a letter in the mail- I got in! My first college acceptance!! :slight_smile: Good luck to everyone else!

I got accepted into the business school!
GPA- 3.05; SATS- 1170
Strong essay
Varsity FH (captain), Varsity Softball
Lots of community service, mission trip
Top 10 High School in MA
Awarded $13,100 a year

Despite my low GPA and SATS, I think what really got me into UNH is my essay and involvement in my community. My high school also has a really high acceptance rate for UNH.

Just wanted to share to show that even with a lower GPA and test scores it is still possible to be accepted!

My DD was selected to receive the Hamel Scholarship Award. They are mailing her more information. But the email did let us know about the upcoming awards banquet for those selected. She is thrilled to have been selected, and UNH is definitely a contender, but she is still waiting on several schools who don’t release decisions until March-April. Is it odd to go to an awards banquet when she is not 100% sure she will ultimately wind up there?

@toomanykiddos My daughter is in the same situation, except she can’t attend because she will be in Florida on a school field trip. We think the dinner might be the schools’s opportunity to “sell” the program - there might be current Hamel Scholars there to talk with, etc.

Does anyone know when UNH advises admitted applicants of scholarships/merit awards? My son was accepted earlier this month, and I was really anticipating some merit. My daughter received a merit award a few years ago and had lower GPA/test scores (altho, a different major.) I can’t remember if it was mentioned in the acceptance letter or arrived sometime after. TIA

@RMSqueencat Merit and honors were in my D’s physical acceptance letter. I’m not sure if that is the case for every applicant.

@RMSqueencat my Son just got his acceptance today to the Peter Paul College at UNH. His financial aid package was right on line in the admissions portal under financial aid.