Class of 2023 admissions

Thanks for that additional information. My son completed both the FAFSA and the CSS profiles.

“The Committee on Scholarships will conduct the second finalist selections at the conclusion of the regular decision review in March.”

Alf Tupper, reading what you said in your above post. Will early action applicants who didn’t make the original list of finalists be eligible for the second finalist selections? Or will those only come from the regular decision applicants? Thanks.

Yes, the review at Regular Decision does include EA/ED students who had competitive profiles. It assures that students receive equal consideration for all scholarships regardless of the timing of their application. The second round of finalists will be notified by approximately March 20. You may wish to contact your student’s admission counselor to get a better understanding of whether your student’s academic profile is in the right range.

Thanks again for the response and for that link to the admissions counselors. I’m traveling with my son to DC in two weeks for Cardinal Preview Day, so he’s getting really excited. While he’s excited, I’m constantly pouring over the numbers to figure out how to close the gap to make it work. Appreciate the info you share.

The information shared above is great advice. We used that link to the admissions staff to identify the admissions counselor responsible for applicants from our state and reached out. He replied on Sunday afternoon with a detailed response and clear knowledge of our son’s application. Went above and beyond in answering our questions. Looking forward to Cardinal Preview Day on February 16th.

@jtonglet - Glad you had a good experience with the admissions counselor. We made a similar inquiry and got a very perfunctory response. At least it made it clear where things stand so we know what we are dealing with. Best of luck to your child and enjoy your visit!

@ECgrl1 I’m sorry to hear that. We had the opportunity to meet our son’s admissions counselor as well as many of the admissions staff on Saturday at Cardinal Preview Day and I came away impressed with everyone we talked to. They really did seem to care about the University and the students that they were working with on admissions. Cardinal Preview Day overall was a very informative event. My son really enjoyed it. I think it solidified CUA as his first choice and provided me with a lot of useful information as a potential parent. If you didn’t make it, I think there is a similar event in mid-April.

My daughter was just accepted. So it sounds like the financial aid info comes by mail and is not posted online? As well as scholarship info and Honors College? I’m anxious to find out if it is still in the range of possibilities.

My son got acceptance and scholarship offers first online and then followed up by regular mail. But I want to say that the information on financial aid (loans that we qualified for) came only be regular mail. He did get a lot of information on the honors program by regular mail as well.

Huh. Yesterday she received her acceptance notice. Today she received an email regarding acceptance to the honors program. I could not find any info on scholarships - the link to the Cardinal Station sends us to the Technology Services page. We may just have to wait until the snail mail gets here (unfortunately!).