Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

Our state was a 210, low surprise. My D2023 has a 227 so we weren’t sweating it out. But it looks like a possible 2 additional friends might make the cut. She is a more than likely UA bound. UCF still has not decided on their NMF scholarship, as of friday.


Counselor called NMC because they haven’t received a letter and now tells me the official release date is 9/14 which is when the school is able to release information… So we wait.

My son got a 227, too! I was still anxious, though, to have it confirmed! UA is a top contender for him, as well.

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This sounds like exactly what Art at Compass predicted — that many schools wait to the release day, mistakingly believing that the press embargo and press release date applies to them. At least you know its a formality so should make the waiting easier. My son’s school hasn’t shared anything either and I’m assuming they may wait as well.

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Yes. I’m assuming since we went from not knowing anything about the letter to “we can’t say anything until 9/14” that she confirmed she qualified. But I could be reading into that.

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We received our confidential letter today.



Any update about Texas yet ?

Congrats ! which state ?

Texas cutoff is 219. Our school will not release anything until the press release date of 9/14.

Thanks ! we didn’t hear anything either .


This is what Art wrote on the Compass Blog Comments section:

"Unless they have changed it this year: ‘To help the reviewers get to know you, describe an experience you have had, a person who has influenced you, or an obstacle you have overcome. Explain why this is meaningful to you. Use your own words and limit your response to the space provided.’ ”

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My memory from 2017 of the process going forward.

The vast majority of 14000 will be in good standing with their schools and fill out the application which will then be forwarded by their schools.
These students will become NMF.
National Merit will select a portion to award the $2500. (maybe 2000-5000 or so)
Those selected become Scholars and have the $2500 portable to which ever University they attend. (including a non participating school like Harvard)
Others will list their “participating” selected school as #1 and that school will award them their $2500 scholarship at which point they become scholars.
Others may be awarded the $2500 by a corporation to finalize the process.

This leaves a portion of students who have not been awarded the initial award who attend a non participating school (like Harvard) who never receive the award and do not become Scholars. They would technically be finalists.
This explains shortfall, why many finalists do not go on to be Scholar’s.

Once notified, have your student fill out the necessary paperwork, get together with their guidance counselor and submit by 09/30/2022 and don’t sweat it. :slight_smile:

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Many institutional and corporate NMS scholarships are not $2500. Some are more and some are less.

Is 09/30/2022 the deadline to submit?

The NMSC website has a pdf with the next steps for NMSF. The deadline to submit your application is Oct 5, 2022. Some high schools have an earlier deadline.

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($2500) I am referring only to the $2500. S 2017 took advantage of a 110% COA.

According to the confidential letter the deadline is 09302022. My D2023 has been instructed to have hers in the week before by her school. Official announcements are 091422 as all are aware.

I did see a deadline of 100522 that was crossed out and readjusted.

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Yes, I realize that. However, each institution offers a different NMS scholarship. For instance, USC’s is $1000/yr. Vanderbilt is $2K/yr. Alabama is $3500/yr.