Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

They don’t tell you until March? That’s tough waiting. There will be an NMF dinner on March 24; at least that’s what we were told on our last visit. Maybe we’ll see your dd there. :slight_smile:

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Hopefully! :smiley:

Has anyone heard from University of Tulsa yet? Pins and needles here…

Son applied early October, nothing in the portal yet. Fortunately Tulsa says they’ll have EA decisions done by this Thursday, so not too much longer to wait. (Another school my son applied to around the same time isn’t promising his decision until mid-March!)


In the Tulsa portal, nothing new regarding acceptance, but my son now has a TU Net ID and a TU Email Address, which he didn’t when I looked on Friday. So… possibly a sign?

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Son was able to login to the UTulsa student hub by using that Net ID and clicking Forget Password. Nothing explicit that he could find in the hub that says he was accepted, but he could pay a deposit for fall of 2023, which at least implies he was accepted.

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Oooh! We have the id/email address too… intriguing! :laughing:


Looks like Tulsa got wise, that section with the email/Net ID seems to be taken out completely from the application portal this morning.

Tulsa’s EA results are on the TU’s application portal – glad to see an acceptance for my son! They also have have his NMSF money on the letter, which…sure, I knew he was going to be offered $67k/year in merit, but there’s something about seeing those scholarship numbers actually in his merit letter.



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And my kid isn’t home tonight…is it bad if I “accidentally” check his portal myself? :laughing: :grimacing:

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Kid just checked and IN at Tulsa!
However, he’s only awarded 20k… I guess we will write an email about the NMSF package? Do you think they just missed something? The language makes it sound like it is automatic for NMSF… UGH


Congrats to your kid! I suspect his NMSF status didn’t get processed somehow, since everything I’ve read from UTulsa has implied it’s an automatic scholarship. My son’s that way at UMaine – an acceptance, but no NMSF money listed even though others have their scholarship money. (Not planning on correcting since son has crossed Maine off his list).


Can someone confirm how an alternate entry score is calculated?

SAT scores are as follows:
Reading = 36
Writing and Language = 38
Math = 40

I have calculated a 224 (36X2)+(38x2)+(38X2).

ETA - I realized that I posted in the wrong thread (thought this was Class of 2024), but I am going to leave this post here and hope that someone can confirm before asking the same question in another thread. Thank you.

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That seems correct to me. You first cap each subscore at 38. Then multiply each subscore by 2. Then add them up. I get 224.


I cannot figure out how to quote your post, but Mississippi State also offers one year of housing plus full tuition to Semifinalists. Finalists get an additional 3 years of housing.


So if you have a Junior who already has top scores can they skip the psat and use their sat for nmf? Looks like it. Seems we made a mistake with a24 in a high cutoff state.

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No, they need to have a good reason they missed taking the PSAT (sickness etc) and their guidance counselor needs to sign off on it. (During the height of the pandemic, for the hs class of 22, there were so many canceled PSAT tests and sicknesses that this rule was temporarily suspended and anybody could substitute an SAT without an excuse letter, as long as they had NOT taken the PSAT, but now the rules are back to baseline.)


No, it’s really hard to use alternate entry or else everyone would be doing it. Easier during pandemic years, but the PSAT is the qualifying test. Don’t skip it.

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He took it already and got a 222. We are in NJ. His sat was higher. Glad to hear that it isn’t simple to game the system in high cut off states.