Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

This sounds like our school

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Yes, my D23’s school has 68 NMSF (10% of the class), so you do not get too many accolades and even the kids take it pretty casually. All good though, at least colleges treat all NMSF alike.


Good point!

High School did inform about NMF today


I am still annoyed that my kid’s school said nothing to anyone about my kid’s SF status. He was only one at our tiny charter school, and the large, fancy private schools nearby didn’t have any SFs! I would think they would have wanted to tell people about it, but they are too busy posting about every single sports thing. I feel like they should either celebrate it all, academic or athletic, or celebrate none of it.


Same here, Nothing from my kids school. Only 3 kids were NMSF(2 of them were my boys). Even at the time of semi-finalists, they told them after a week. Maybe next week!!!

My dds school was very low key with it and nothing special, but ds’ school did a nice reception and at the all-school gathering that morning announced the NMSFs to the student body. Going through the details of what it took, scores, percentages etc and what it meant to be a NMSF, and likening it to winning a state championship, but for academics. Which was a nice surprise because their school is SO much about competitive sports and state championships.
It was so well done and the kids were thrilled to be recognized like that.


Our school only acknowledged the commended students. My child was the only NMSF and they kept it a secret. Said they weren’t allowed to announce it until student reached the highest level possible. That was a huge slap in the face. If this were sports, it would have been announced at every turn along the way.


I can’t believe they told you that! That’s definitely offensive, and making your child feel like academic success is something to be ashamed of.


Yeah. Then it was “fun” to watch people congratulate those commended students and ogle over how did they ever accomplish such an amazing thing!

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Sounds exactly like my daughter’s school, although she told me no NMFs were announced yet
 Are you in Austin?

My child’s school principal at Reno is very nice person. He called my son informed him about President Scholar nomination as of now he didn’t receive any letter on NMF. I think they are releasing state by state letters. Nevada is on the bottom of list so we may receive letters towards end.

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It’s this the DA by any chance?
Congrats to you son

I am not sure about announcement. Kids got an email to come and collect their NMF Certificate (sent by NMSC to the HS). Half the math class, got this email and got their NMF certificates :grinning:


Have any homeschool families gotten the letter yet? Nothing here. Getting anxious.

Am I correct in understanding that “rejection” letters went out in January? I don’t have a reason to suspect that she wouldn’t advance to finalist. But I am fighting off anxious thoughts.


Some people on Reddit reported receiving rejection letters in January. Of course, that’s Reddit
so who knows if they are telling the truth. I tried to type that it is “full of ■■■■■■” (not the bad word, but the one that starts with t, and rhymes with rolls -ha ha), but it won’t let me type that. Anyway, I do think rejection letters were mailed in January, so unless it got lost in the mail, I think it’s safe to assume she’s a finalist.

Is the certificate worth bugging school admin about, or do we just wait for our mail and move on?


I would wait unless you are not sure if your D/S made NMF and are anxious to know.

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No Galena, He use to be at DA moved to Galena at 10th grade.

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Yes some reason my school also not released NMF yet, they haven’t received any mail yet. We have 3 NMSF so someone would have gotten it.

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