Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

The cutoff means you make it at that number. Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:

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My counselor said that she thinks the lower commended cutoff will only help in some states. Commended is a national cutoff and SF is by state. So if you’re state did better than the national average, the lower commended doesn’t help.

What state are you in?


Edited: Nevermind. He found the email buried in his inbox. Me again. Sorry. I’m reading that some students were invited to apply for the National Recognition Program. My son says he hasn’t received anything. He is native american, and his selection index is higher than the commended cutoff. Is there something else he needs to do. Does this matter for anything anyway?

Good morning. Thought I would join in on this thread. DD23 is a likely NMSF with a 223 SSI in Texas and a 1510 confirming score. Alabama is our first choice. She is actually quite satisfied with not looking any further at other schools. We did tour other schools prior to the release of the PSAT scores but she always said if NMF worked out she wasn’t going to pass on the Alabama scholarship package and she has always liked Alabama. With plenty of credits going in she will get her bachelors in Computer Science as well as her masters. ROLL TIDE!

Looking forward to following this process and gaining wisdom from all of you to make sure we don’t miss a step. We are thrilled at the opportunity her hard work has provided her.


Hi This is my second NMF. My 16 year old daughter will be a HS 2023 grad, 1510/227 from Mississippi. She also is sold on UA and hasn’t even visited yet. Her two older siblings are both in their 5th years of CE, one at MSU and the other UF. She plans on majoring in CE and enrolling in their STEM to MBA program. We are also looking at Blount Scholars but the dorms are not as nice for that first year LLC. The only negative we have found is the new mandatory meal plan. We hope to arrive with an OOS Scholarship enough to cover board. She is also seriously planning for Law School.

Does she plan on doing the STEM to MBA or jus knock out the Bachelors and continue on to her MBA with the scholarship package?

Sounds like our daughters will be there together. She also looked at the STEM to MBA and they even mentioned on our visit that it is possible with careful planning to do both the CS masters and MBA. She is also looking at Randall Research. So many opportunities - it is a good problem to have.
The $3500 supplemental scholarship with the NM package could cover the meal plan. We will likely decrease the meal plan to the Silver 125 (currently $1254/semester).

Exactly! Seems like we are both doing our homework! :grinning:

Does anyone have any thoughts about the CA cut off number for semi-finalist?

Art Sawyer has it for 2022 at 221. Im still looking.

So Art does have it 2023 California at 221 to 223 but he is expecting 221.


UGH I know - i have a 220. Hoping Hoping Hoping.

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My daughter’s PSAT SI score is 225 - well above the cut off in our state. She took the ACT a few weeks BEFORE the PSAT and scored 36. Whill her ACT qualify to confirm her PSAT for NMF?

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It should. My D22 did the same (except she took the SAT) and she submitted that SAT as her confirming score.

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A confirming SAT or ACT score can be from the beginning of Sophomore year through December of Senior year.

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Just in case you didn’t know, Art updated the “most likely” scores.


Indeed. A quick scan looks like 26 states’ “most likely” score dropped and another 12 had the range dropped. Two states dropped by 2 points.

Odd that it comes with no commentary.

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I agree. But I was happy to see our state dropped a point. My son was right on the cut off previously, so I feel a little better about having a cushion now. Although I still won’t breathe easy until September.

I meant to post that as a new thread, but couldn’t figure it out. So it ended up as a reply to your comment. I apologize!