Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

This may help: NMF scholarships - Google Sheets

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Benacquisto is mostly for Florida residents. As far as I know, this year only USF offers a full ride to out of state NMFs.

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UCF also does – or very close to it – for the first 40 OOS students.

I have, but that makes it sound like if you receive the college sponsored scholarship, you do not receive money from the NM scholarship. It sounds like you have to choose, but the quote above sounds as if students are getting both.

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So I’m trying to figure out if we are doing this the correct way. DD has been admitted to several schools that offer some sort of nm scholarship. All of the schools basically spell out the deal they give on their website so we know what to expect from them…except Northeastern.
So as of now she has Northeastern listed as her #1 just so we can find out how much $$ they will give her. Am I right in thinking that after we see the amount we can switch her #1 to a different school if it’s not sufficient and she decides to go elsewhere ?

My intent was to find schools that offer scholarships to SEMI finalists(NMSF) - Meaning those who did not make it to finalist (NMF)

They currently offer full cost of Attendance for residents. For frugal students, it is actually quite a bit more! The COA as decided by the DOE includes $ for travel, cell phone etc

When will the 7500 finalists who received scholarship will be notified? Thanks.

“There is a mailpiece for which we do not currently have an image that is included in Today 's mail.” :woman_facepalming::face_with_raised_eyebrow::crazy_face: Informed Delivery is messing with me today!


If memory serves me, 2500 will be notified in and around March or so that they are Scholars. The $ will eventually be sent to the university they attend. The others will receive their scholarship by attending their 1st choice, “participating university”. Corporate award is between you and the corporation.

I think that portals will be open today as well…. Has anyone checked?


Portal had an error message so I called. Decisions made and they will confirm over the phone. Schools should have the information and letters are being mailed to students today!


Are you talking about the application portal? When I log in, there is only instruction for the application, personal information and making 1st choice for college.

What is the portal (as opposed to the very basic NMSC website that lets you select the first choice school and has all the instruction documents)?

My son’s portal has a section added at the bottom that says “Finalist Letter”, with an error message. Just waiting for the update!


Same here. Called to confirm finalist status.


Does anyone have the number to call because that section disappeared from my portal

I called and they confirmed finalist status for DD. Apparently, letters online are not loading so they pulled them and will reload by tomorrow.

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Thank you so much!

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