Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

It is BU. That’s cool with USC!!

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Does anyone know if all NMF were under consideration for the NMSC $2500 scholarships awarded last week or just those that marked their college choice as undecided?

All of them. Mine had already picked her school

So they consider everyone, even if their 1st choice school gives NM scholarships?


I would imagine that if one lists their first choice and is a fit for a corporate funded scholarship, then there would be no reason to offer that student a $2500 award as they would already be inline to receive an award. Also, I would suspect the same for a first choice school funding. Ive never been able to verify, though.

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NMSF/NMF/NMS Check in!

Who has decided? Did NM status affect the decision at all?

My NMF finally decided on University of Tulsa! Heading to admitted students day on the 14th… here’s hoping he comes away extra convinced!


It did not for us, but we’re fortunate enough to have an almost fully funded college savings account (which I started when he was born). It was looking for a while like he might go to a school that did a $1K/year NMF scholarship, but a school even higher on his list came through and they do nothing. No way to know if the NMF status helped get those admissions.


Mine was accepted to Boston U and they offered the presidential scholarship due to him being a Nmf. He had named them as his number 1.
I am not sure if that is the end, or if they will offer him actual NMS.
Regardless we are proud and happy that he received this scholarship!


Congrats. Great outcome.

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Our kid never seriously considered some of the big NMF scholarship schools, but received some partial offers that help bring some places down to the budget we set for him. In the end he got accepted to his top choice in state school which doesn’t provide any $ for NMF, but we’re pleasantly surprised that he was selected for one of the $2500 awards from National Merit.


Thank you! We are happy.


No, it didn’t change anything for us in regards to college decision. The $2500 scholarship would’ve been nice but he wasn’t selected—oh well.


Anybody choose between Oklahoma (OU) and Alabama (UA)? I mean I know the $ is little less at Oklahoma but… Only toured Bama so not sure what differences there are? Anybody have opinions?


NMF scholarships were the only focus for my kids applying to colleges. Very grateful for full COA scholarships (Florida Benacquisto). And one won the $2500 NMS scholarship as well.


In 2018 my son (Benacquisto Scholar) was at the UF Honors camp as a student counselor. He put up a sign that said “ask me about Benacquisto” for the incoming freshman. It was the day before classes started. A young lady ask him what it was. He told her about the scholarship. She stated that she was an NMF and ask if that meant she had it. He took her phone and opened up her UFone account and showed her the scholarship for the Full COA. She had no idea. She quickly called home and told her parents they were not paying for college. They all had no idea. LOL
Yes, it is the best NMF scholarship in the USA. (currently, back to Instate NMF only)


My D visited BU this weekend. They said if they get the presidential scholarship that’s is it in terms of merit money, don’t expect anything extra

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Do you know if it stacks with need-based aid or replaces need-based aid? (S24 is possibly NMSF and BU would be a top choice if it is affordable, but it would only be affordable if he got need-based and then the scholarship on top of it.)

My son was primarily looking at schools with big National Merit scholarships and good CS programs and, after visiting a few, decided on UCF. There were a couple CS reaches he might have considered if he’d be accepted (primarily UIUC in-state), but otherwise his top schools all had at minimum a full tuition National Merit scholarship.


Thanks for letting me know!