Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

Kind of weird that so many large population states (NY, NJ, VA, IL, etc.) would still have no one who has heard and reported on Compass, Reddit, Twitter or here several days after others started reporting if the letters all go out at the same time.

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Not weird at all IMO. Schools in NY donā€™t open until next week, and the schools have the letters.

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The high school I attended in NJ opens September 7. Wednesday after Labor Day was a common opening day in the state. Principals likely wonā€™t be informing students until school starts.

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edge of seat with 220, do you think there is a chance??

My son and one of his good friends were called into the office today and told that they both got it. Iā€™m so very happy for them! I feel like I can finally breathe! :slight_smile:


Congratulations! We are still waiting here. I will feel so much better once she has it in hand.

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I thought NMSF will make the public announcement on Sep 15, does that mean that the winner name list will be published on the web as well by then?

Historically they never publicly publish the names. They send press releases with names to media in each state (in addition to the letters already sent to the schools, which they have already done, to distribute to the students). Some publications publish names, some donā€™t. Usually you need to find people to list the names on Reddit or some other site.

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National Merit Corp never releases lists of names to the public, AFAIK. The list of 2022 winners was released to press organizations in April and May, for them to publish in local media. Winners of 2023 scholarships will likely be treated the same next Spring.

An example of the announcement is at

The current phase - semi-finalists - is treated the same. A list exists - it goes to press and teachers/administrators, and likely is already out. Last year, a student got hold of it and posted it to Reddit, but Iā€™ve seen nothing like that this year.

Semi-finalist letters were mailed September 15 in 2021, but they were much earlier this year. Program document said ā€œearly Septemberā€. Iā€™ve seen nothing specifying September 15 as a meaningful date this year - do you have a link/source?

I think they were earlier than Sept 15 last year. I just checked my text from S22 and he told me on Sept 10 that he got called down to be the office to make it official and I know we were waiting for that based on others. And Art at Compass Prep starting posting updates on Sept 2.

I think 9/15 was when they sent press releases to states last year, not when they sent the letters, which they had already done (at least thatā€™s my memory from Artā€™s blog). So not sure the timing is playing out any differently this year.

EDIT: I just checked Artā€™s Compass blog post from last year and confirmed he was posting that letters likely went on on 8/30, was posting the first confirmed results by 9/2 and posted his final chart and write up on all the released results by 9/15.

Checked with NMSC. Seems press release will be 9/14 this year.


Letter arrived in AL 8/31! Confirmed 215.


Those that have gotten your letters - Has anyone had a chance to look at the prompt to see if it has changed? DD was hoping to work on her essay over the long weekend.


seminifinalist? or commended or finalist?


Finalists arenā€™t known until next February. Iirc, Commended students are notified a few weeks after semifinalists.
ā€œIn late Septemberā€

Anyone being notified now is for being a semi-finalist.


I told my son to see what he could find out today at school. However he left for work before I got home from work. So Iā€™ll see what he says tonight and let you know.


Thanks! We are still (impatiently) waiting for a letter.