Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

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Hi all!! New Jersey’s students, like my daughter, have a seriously bad deal! The historical cut off is higher than most states. Anyone know if they are a finalist or what the cut off is?

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Waiting on NJ too. Agreed, NJ has a high bar. No leaks here, at Compass or on Reddit so far. More likely starting Tuesday when some NJ schools start.

Art at Compass did respond to one poster saying it would be above 220 and another saying 225 was safe. Which is not surprising as that leaves it right in the predicted range of 221-223. Given how many others have been on the low side of the range this year I’m guessing 221-222.

Any updates on the essay prompts for this year’s NMF? Thanks

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Yup me too. My kid won’t make it but s closerthanthis!!

Looks like he also says he has confirmation that NJ is the highest state cut off which makes study abroad and DC 223 too.

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Will they mail a letter to my house as well or only to the school?

No. Only to the school. Unless the student was home schools and a member of the household was listed as the principal. It’s an annoying system. Even when schools fail to pass on the letters and parents call the org directly, they work with the school to get the letter to the student buut still won’t send directly.


Just saw that all off the cutoffs have been released on compass prep


Interesting how there’s only one state with 223 and one with 222 this year.

25 states down, 10 states unchanged, 15 states up. 34 at +/- 1.

Average change -0.3.

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Has anyone actually heard from their school?

Not here. Reached out to the counselor today and she knew nothing.

My daughter received an invitation to an Academic Achievement Ceremony at her school next week. It didn’t explicitly said that is a NMSF event but we know it is :slight_smile:


My son was told by his school today. In PA


wow!!! what will you do??

No, and I don’t expect to. Historically, 10% of our graduating seniors earn NMSC recognition so there is not much fanfare. Certificates are mailed home and, if admin is feeling generous, there might be an announcement in the school newsletter.

Art at Compass has said that many schools don’t tell kids until the press embargo date which would be mid-next-week. It’s possible the principal or an administrator is sitting on the letters until then and even the counselors don’t know.

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I checked with our school’s college counselor last Friday and they didn’t know anything either.

Our counselor let the kids know last week, but we are to keep it close to our hearts until the press release next week on 9/14.

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