Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

Geez, no future Bearcats?

@Regretful We did that last year, no harm no foul. The deposits were refundable, however. I think we would have done it anyway, because it was her number 2 pick (and it secured better housing) while we waited for number 1 to decide.

Has anyone applied to Carroll college in MT or Westminster in Salt lake?

So glad to have a parent from last year let us know @bearcatfan Thanks for answering the deposits question

@otintheschools Last year my son applied to and was accepted at both Carroll and Westminster College. He is now at Westminster College as a direct admit nursing student.

@ColoSky, I would love to chat with you about how it is going for him! I can find lots of My son wonā€™t be applying until next fall but those are his top 2 schools.

@otintheschools Iā€™d be happy to chat. . is there a way to private message?

@ColoSky I dont think we can private message, and I tried to post my email, but it says it has to be reviewed by a moderator, so it might show up!

Howā€™s everyone coming with the application results and decision making? February tomorrow. Time is flying by!

@ColoSky apparently you can private message, but I am having trouble figuring it out!

@ColoSky figured it out and sent you a message

@readthetealeaves, update here:

Denied at PSU UP last night (no cares to go to satellite campus) and just awaiting for UConnā€™s decision release (beginning of March).
DD has withdrew from all non contenders posted a while back and we are set to visit CWRU & Miami U (Oxford) in 2 weeks, revisit Drexel & Scranton next weekend and she will revisit Quinnipiac & UConn (Storrs) with a HS friend the 1st weekend of March.

Knowing my DD, at this stage iā€™d rank her choices as follows:
Top: Scranton & Miami U
Right behind: Drexel & CWRU (sheā€™s not a fan of city schools)
Bottom: Quinnipiac (awarded a lot of money)
Wild card / Party schools (if admitted): UDell & UConn

@GmanCC Thanks for your update. Sorry about PSU UP and good luck on UConn & UDel! Lots of visits that will make choosing a lot easier. If you donā€™t mind my asking what does she not like about Quinnipac?

DD Stats for Nursing Major:

4.15 GPA
1350 SAT
4673 Eligibility Index
California Gal

Accepted Into:
Grand Canyon University
Point Loma Nazarene
Arizona State Univerity
Azusa Pacific University

Waiting On:

@Banker1 Did your DD end up at APU this year? I would like to know how it is going.

Hi @EngTchrMom Congratulations on all the acceptances for your daughter so far. The wait for SDSU is difficult. March seems like a long time from today but it will come in a hurry. Any favorite for the California gal?

@readthetealeaves Her first choice at the moment is APU. I went to SDSU, and her older sister currently goes thereā€¦so I am a little partial ?

@EngTchrMom no pressure there :)) from you and her sister! Both APU and SDSU would be terrific. Let us know what she decides

@readthetealeaves, she likes the QU facilities and the 5yr MSN option, and it is me interpreting a comment about the campus layout as a slight ding. the revisit should be helpful, she and her friend are going to stay with aanother friendā€™s sister for one night, no supervision. That should give her a real good feel for QU stundent lifeā€¦ hahaha

Dā€™s stats: NJ, 4.14 WGPA, 1430 SAT, 9 APs, Honors otherwise, EMT - 15 hours/week and selected top cadet from class of 30, hospital internship, lots of ECs & leadership

Accepted Nursing: UDel, Binghamton, UVM, UNH, Scranton, Fairfield, Quinnipiac, Rutgers, Salve Regina, Duquesne, Seton Hall, Pitt

Pending: TCNJ, UCONN
Rejected: UNC CH, UVA

UDel (Honors) is the favorite with visit in 2 weeks. Binghamton, TCNJ, UCONN, UVM and UNH still in the mix. Direct costs minus scholarships, grants and federal loans in 20-27k range.

Pitt with no merit and a small grant comes in at 39k. QU and Fairfield still about 35k even with top scholarships. Hard to justify the extra costs, since we will also have a college senior and high school senior next year. Looking forward to finishing Dā€™s search to start working on the next one.

@jdcollegedad what schools were around $20k range?