Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

ACT: 34
SAT: na
GPA: 4.0 uw/4.6 w
Rank: na
Extra: Loads of EC; volunteering, sports and leadership
State Residency: IL
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F

Applied to: Penn State, University of Pitts, Marquette, Bradley, Loyola of Chicago & Saint Louis University

Direct or Pre-Nursing: Only direct-entry programs; she’s sure she wants to pursue nursing/DNP

Applied dates: Between 10/16-11/1

Decision/College: Accepted: Penn (10/26…11/1), Marquette (10/16…10/26) and Bradley U(10/16…10/26); awaiting the rest. Very happy with what she’s received; working on scholarship $$.

Anything else you want to add: She’s looking for strong programs in city schools (mostly) with clinicals within a practical distance. Any other recommendations? Good luck all!

BSN2Bin23 congrats! My DD plans to apply to Iowa and Minnesota (plus others) for nursing next year. Can you share when you received your acceptance to Iowa for nursing? We were under the impression that they would not send acceptances until February. That is great!

@tae1970 - For the University of Iowa, you first get admission to the University and then they have you complete the supplemental application for nursing. I found out I was admitted to the University of Iowa the same week I was admitted to the University of MN Freshman Guarantee Nursing Program. MN was my first choice, so I immediately confirmed my enrollment to MN and declined my admission to Iowa and never even bothered to fill out the supplemental nursing application. I’m a WI resident, so we have reciprocity with MN making it a more affordable option.

@readthetealeaves - michsink is my mom, so I am the daughter you are referring to. :slight_smile: I accidentally logged into her parent account yesterday when I went to post my acceptance. I’m not sure all the schools she had on her list, but I ended up narrowing my list quite a bit from where we originally started. I was going to select one or two more big schools, but I got my acceptance from MN before the early application deadline so I stopped because that was my first choice. Below is what I went with:

University of MN - Accepted, direct entry - CONFIRMED ENROLLMENT
University of Iowa - Accepted to University, never completed supplemental nursing app due to MN acceptance
Illinois State - Accepted, direct entry, invited to apply for presidential scholarship and honors program
UW OshKosh - Accepted, invited to apply for nurse scholars program
Carrol University - Accepted, direct entry and honors program
Ohio State University - Haven’t heard back from yet. This is my dream school, so I wanted to apply but never intended to attend due to their lack of a direct entry program. I just had to do it anyway. :slight_smile:

@BSN2Bin23 aah that makes sense. Thanks for posting your list. Can you tell us what made you love University of MN so much? Are you from there? My kid applied there and would love to hear personal feedback . Also, for University of Iowa did you have four years of a foreign language? Nice job you should be proud

Update from prior page. D17 very excited to get accepted to University of Portland yesterday.

ASU Direct - $14,500 Merit invitation to apply to Honors college - but honors seems hard to manage on top of already difficult curriculum so doubt she will apply
Florida Atlantic University - Direct - waiting on merit
Boise State - Pre nursing (safety school)
Univ of Portland - Direct - waiting on merit

Applied and waiting
Seattle University- Direct
USF - Direct
Gonzaga - Direct
UC Irvine - Direct
Chico - pre nursing
Cal State Long Beach - pre nursing
SDSU - biology
Cal Poly - biology
UCSB - biology

Hi @LollieW Thanks for posting your list and update. Congrats on your daughter getting in to the nursing program at University of Portland. Sounds like she is in the driver’s seat already with her admits!

@nwalesmom wrote me on another thread. Congrats to her daughter on Penn State UP!

My daughter was accepted into the nursing school. here are her stats:
SAT 1430
GPA 4.0
Rank 15/170
Many AP classes
State: PA
Major: Nursing
Campus: Penn State, University Park

I did have the four years of forge in language for Iowa.

There were a few reasons I picked MN as my top choice. When I started looking at schools, I wanted a big school, preferably in the Big Ten. I really like football and wanted a university with school pride. Being a nursing major, I knew I wanted a direct admit program. That was #1 to me. I didn’t want to add the extra expense of OOS tuition, so I looked for schools with reciprocity with WI or good merit aid for OOS students. MN checked all those boxes and when I did my campus visit, I was extremely impressed with the nursing facilities and the overall program.

@BSN2Bin23 RE: MN That info is so helpful for those of us checking similar boxes. I appreciate you sharing your thought process. RE:Iowa good to know. Thanks again!

@BSN2Bin23 thanks for all the information. Congrats, again, on MN! Can’t beat the WI reciprocity?

SAT: 1400/1600
ACT: 30
GPA: 3.78/4.19
10 AP & Honor Classes
Northern California

University of Portland (Safety School)

University Pennsylvania
University Michigan

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Congratulations to your daughter on her U of Portland acceptance! We look forward to seeing how the rest of the list turns out. Thanks for sharing @Norcal2023

@readtheleaves. Thank you. Was surprised U O Portland was so quick to accept! It made her feel good for sure…

My D did visit U O Portland, Gonzaga for overnight, Boston College and USF ( forgot to add those to list). I think that helps for sure as you are in the system and the admissions knows you made the effort!

My D visited UCF first, and that’s where she wanted to go. UOP next and they were #1. Than overnight to Spokane and that was her #1. Than we visited BC and that was her #1. Kids are great!!

We did U of Maine and they love Californians and give us merit equal to about $25k a year total which is near our instate tuition in California. My D liked campus, but it was cold and culturally isolated (for us anyway).

Good luck to all!

Thank you! Accepted to Bloomsburg and SUNY Plattsburgh so far

Accepted to Bloomsburg and SUNY Plattsburgh so far

COngrats on Bloomsburg and SUNY Plattsburgh so far! Great work!

@Norcal2023 Thanks for sharing your visits , additions to the list and insights from your daughter’s journey

Thanks for setting up this thread. It is really useful. Sorry I posted my original info in the wrong channel. Here is more info for my daughter. She is interested in possibly pursuing a DNP and is ideally looking to schools with strong academic medical center affiliation, large hospital systems and one with a nursing research focus. As originally posted, her stats are:

SAT 1430
GPA 4.0
Rank 15/170
Many AP classes
State: PA
Major: Nursing

Penn State, University Park
University of PIttsburgh - Main campus
Bloomsburg University

University of Pennsylvania
Boston College
Case Western

So she is anxiously awaiting to hear from the other schools.

Congrats to all of the nursing acceptances I see so far. Very exciting.

SAT: 1380
ACT: 31
GPA: 4.0 / 4.36 (UC)
Rank: 9 of 350
State Residency: CA
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F
Other: Volunteering 4 months at local hospital, bi-lingual English/Spanish, 7 AP classes and lots of Honors classes, several club leadership positions, athletics and piano

UCLA - Direct
UC Irvine - Direct
San Diego State - Direct
CSU Fullerton - Direct
USF - Direct
Azusa Pacific - Direct
Point Loma - pre nursing
San Jose State - pre nursing
Sonoma State - pre nursing
CSU Long Beach - pre nursing