Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

Question: we just got a letter last night saying that Nursing school costs an additional $1,000 per semester for a program fee. Does anyone know if that is pretty standard for Nursing? Just wondering. Thanks!

@4n2yrs Yes, that is very common.

there are also additonal " lab fee " & other Nursing-related fees in addition to the tuition. Sometimes there are testing cost, exam-related books fee etc too

@4n2yrs What school is that?

also fees for nursing students for scrubs, additional equipment etc. are common as well

-For example of the extra fees in the form of an assessment is here below is Arizona State’s Nursing fees

“Traditional Prelicensure Clinical Nursing Program (TPCNP): students directly admitted to ASU as a
nursing major are assessed a $1,000 per SEMESTER fee in addition to tuition while taking the critical
(prerequisite) courses. All students advanced to the upper division clinical nursing program, whether directly
admitted or competitively admitted, are assessed a $1,750 per semester/term fee for each semester/term of
the clinical program in addition to tuition. Fees are assessed during summer sessions and are subject to

-For a school like University of Pittsburgh it is in the form of extra tuition over other programs. For example
tuition for Nursing is $3100 instate and $4896 out of state MORE than Engineering YEARLY

                                                                         " Full-time In-state Tuition   Full-time Out-of-state Tuition

Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences $18,130 $31,102
College of Business Administration $20,250 $35,040
Swanson School of Engineering $19,726 $34,636
School of Nursing $22,826 $39,532
School of Dental Medicine (Undergraduate) $17,614 $30,952
School of Education $18,130 $31,102"

@readthetealeaves Wow. I had no idea how much more Pitt Nursing was. Crazy.

Pitt nursing also required a minimum SAT score of 1310 this year, according to admissions.

For anyone reading this in the future, CALL first and ask what the minimum is. Otherwise, you may be paying their application fee just to have them hit DELETE upon seeing your SAT score.

I feel that if a school is going to require a certain minimum, it is unethical for them to accept application fees from those under that minimum. (Especially if the school does not publicize the minimum on the application.)

I think Pitt keeps it on the downlow because they can then funnel the under 1310s to their satellite campuses, when the applicants would not have even considered those satellites.

Yes, there is often additional fees and additional tuition for nursing students, particularly in the last 2 years. At many colleges, it will add $2k to $3k a year to the total bill. Those extra costs are often hidden when you are comparing costs as an entering freshman.

If anyone applied to Northeastern RD
decisions are coming out now.

How does one find out these minimum requirements for SAT/ACT? I looked on Pitt website (example above) and it’s not listed.

@TimeFlies2 When we were visiting schools last year some of them would give this information during the information session. If not you ll have to ask around (including this forum) for people experiences. I remember that annoyed me too. A lot of schools would say “competitive” but would not put numbers.

Other schools will say: “minimum requirements are XYZ”, when actually everyone getting in had higher stats.

@sorefruit Congrats on your admission to SDSU Nursing!

@readthetealeaves thank you! (-:

@timeflies2 Regarding your question: “How does one find out these minimum requirements for SAT/ACT? I looked on Pitt website (example above) and it’s not listed.”

Schools rarely list their minimums, and not all schools enforce one. For Pitt, we found out afterwards when we called admissions and they told us that they had a 1310 requirement. (Daughter had a 1290 and was offered two satellite campuses with scholarships, which she declined.)

If I had to do it over again, I would call each school and specifically ask if they have a minimum requirement. Some don’t have a requirement and will just say “Our average SAT is 1300 (Clemson)” or “1410 (Villanova)” But you will still be considered if you are under that average. Other schools like Pitt have firm line in the sand and they will not consider you if you are under that line.

For those interested, these are the middle 50% or average SAT scores for nursing at the following schools.

(Info either from their website, or told to us by the school. May be different in the future)

Villanova - 1410 average last year, probably higher this year. Higher than rest of school.

Case Western Reserve - doesn’t break nursing averages out from rest of school, which is 1350-1520 (but very holistic). Nursing is probably slightly lower than those numbers, which include a lot of engineering applicants with 800s in math)

UVA - 1230-1440 (but very holistic. One of only schools where the nursing averages are LOWER than rest of school, probably due to them taking a more holistic review for nursing applicants)

University of Delaware - 1250-1350 (They said it’s about 100 points higher than the rest of the school)

Pitt - minimum 1310 or they won’t consider you. VERY stats focused.

Clemson - 1300 average (VERY stats focused)

Penn State - 1230-1410 (they said SAT counts of 1/3 of their assessment, rest is GPA/rigor)

Drexel - 1260-1460 (higher than rest of school)

University of Tennessee - 1300-1330 (but holistic)

There are plenty of other schools that take lower SAT scores. These are just the schools that we happened to be looking at based on my daughter’s record.

So on my earlier post - Bloomsburg did give D a small scholarship, we visit in April to see if she likes it.

Her acceptances and thoughts -
Pitt - so far her favorite - tiny scholarship but lots of opportunities, and in-state
Scranton - likes it but even with half tuition scholarship, the most expensive atttactive option
Duquesne - nice and slightly cheaper than Pitt after scholarship, but facilities and opportunities also slightly less than Pitt.
Bloomsburg - small “renewable” scholarship, will have to visit in April to decide
IUP - small 4 yr scholarship but crossed off as too remote
Drexel - dunno why she applied since she doesn’t want to go there, we don’t think the area is safe, and it’s way too expensive for us anyway. Seems like a spur of the moment “coz my classmates are applying”

I think if I had a do over I would have swapped Drexel app for a York app

I was accepted into the nursing programs for both Pitt and Northeastern, and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the different programs. I was accepted into Pitt Honors with a decent scholarship, and received no financial aid from Northeastern. If anyone has any thoughts on either school or any advice please let me know :).

@lola3253 Both are top notch programs. Unless you have a huge issue with Pitt in terms of fit, I would recommend attending the less expensive program.