Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

@Teri8000 She did fill out the housing application. It didn’t appear that there was an option to choose form choices though. Was that your daughters experience too?

Thanks for the update on your schools @J914437. Congrats on San Diego State Direct and Westminister!

@sirmixalot Kudos to your daughter on narrowing down to the West! Gonzaga, Uof San Fran, and University of Portland are great selections to have!

Thanks for updating us @Bonchien. UC Irvine, Azusa Pacific and Point Loma nursing programs are super choices!

@vamom4 Deposit down at Delaware! Whoo hoo! That is terrific. Fingers crossed for University of Virginia to come through if that is what she wants. I am writing out school names more too

@Teri8000 my previous post was suppose to say there was no place to select a “dorm” choice. Was you daughter able to request dorm preferences?

@Bonchien Have you heard of many other UCI nursing admits? I don’t have any change on my portal. Wondering if all nursing was already released.

@medstudent2019 yes, I was also admitted to the nursing science major at UCI yesterday. Best of luck!
I was not expecting this at all and was very very close to committing to SDSU. Now I’m torn! UCI was always my top but in the recent months I began to “settle” on SDSU (I still believe they have an amazing program!) Between UCI and SDSU nursing, can anyone share their thoughts on important aspects of either program?

@honeytuts Congrats! Both are great programs. Can you share your stats, gpa, in/out state etc? Thanks and congrats again!


GPA: UW-3.76 ? / UC capped-4.08
ACT: 33
CA Resident
AP: junior year-calc ab (4), eng lang (4), chem (4); currently taking psych, stats, bio, and eng lit

other notes: numerous honors courses throughout, heavy involvement in non-nursing related extra-curriculars, only realized that i wanted to go into nursing late in high school career so nursing experience is not heavy but i volunteered a little bit over last summer.

@medstudent2019 I’m not aware of others being admitted to UCI nursing. They may still be rolling out. There’s probably more clues on the UCI application thread.

@medstudent2019 I was admitted to the UCI nursing program on Saturday (3/23). I’ve been trying to find others who have been admitted as well but haven’t found any yet. Good luck!

Update from the beginning of March, after more school re-visits this mpnth.

Based on program type (direct preferred) and program rigor, clinicals, distance from home, school spirit and total COA (parental out of pocket Cost Of Atterndance) after scholarships, the field is now down to 3, but really 2.

DD’s short list is:
Drexel 5yr Co-op BSN
Quinnipiac 4 yr BSN (possible +1 yr MSN)
and Case Western Reserve 4 yr BSN (unlikely to attend, DD hasn’t formally withrawn)

Based on same criteria, acceptances withdrawn from:
Alabamama, Fairfield, JMU, PSU (regional, UP denied), OSU, UDel, URI, USC, Scranton, MiamiU

Denied: UConn

A more detailed school by school decision reasong / comparison will be made once the dust settles

Ramapo has MAJOR advantages over Stockton and TCNJ once students start clinicals as all of the hospital rotations are relatively close to campus, easier to get to. Ramapo dorms are hands down the best in the state and Bergen County is safe. You Tcnj campus may be a bit livelier. All three nursing programs are excellent and highly regarded and graduates from all three will find jobs but I would insist if it was my kid to go Ramapo or TCNJ over Stockton, with Ramapo edging out TCNJ because of the Bergen County location and ease of getting to and from clinicals which include Hackensack Hospital, st joes Paterson, valley hospital, holy name and englewood. Tcnj and Stockton do not give you the same breadth of clinical experience

@MAPAone Thanks for the link. Yes, nursing is separate from that. I actually had a conversation last week with someone in the admissions office and was (really) very nicely told that my daughter’s chances of being accepted off the list are slim. Disappointing, but she has other offers so we’ll focus on those now.

@sharpmom829 Did you take another look at Montclair State University and her $5k merit award. MAPAone stats about West Chester looked good for maybe getting off that wait list but your call to the admissions office made it sound difficult. Are you guiding her to move forward elsewhere while she waits? It is such a hard process especially as you said when “the love seems one way”

Hi All, I have been lurking in here for a while, and it has been a wealth of information. Since most of you have done all of your tours can you give recommendations for schools with updated nursing facilities in the southeast? We toured UK last week and were a bit disappointed that the nursing building was about the oldest thing we looked at, and apparently that matters for my D20. Thanks!

My daughter has been accepted to eight nursing schools so far. Villanova and University of Pittsburgh are her top two. We toured both, and both have amazing nursing programs! The nursing facilities are high-tech and up-to-date! Waiting on a couple more acceptance decisions. Right now UPitt is her top choice because she likes the city and the UPMC hospitals and facilities. It’s just outside of downtown Pittsburgh (in Oakland) and is a nice, college neighborhood.

@LCO Congratulations to your daughter on so many acceptances.! My daughter is a high school junior from California. We visited and toured Pitt and Villanova nursing last week. We were impressed with both programs. Would you mind sharing what other schools your daughter was accepted to and her stats? Best of luck to her on her final acceptances and ultimate decision.

@jh914437 can you please share your unweighted gpa and extracurriculars?