Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

@tournesole Actually I don’t really know what my DD’s csu uw gpa : ) But she did take stats and psych class. Just keep doing your extra curriculars and do your best in your classes, you will be fine.

ACT: 30
GPA: 4.0UW
Rank: top 10%
State Residency: PA
Ethnicity: White
Gender: female

Univ. of Miami
Univ. of Pittsburgh

Direct or Pre-Nursing: All Direct admissions

Accepted to:
U of Miami
U of Pittsburgh
Temple honors ($5000/yr)

Anything else you want to add:
Does not want to pursue nursing!
She will be attending Penn State this fall as a pre-med major

Also accepted to:
Penn State for neuro-psychology
The Ohio State University direct admit Fisher business school ($14,500/yr)
Syracuse University Whitman business school ($10,000/yr)
University of Florida for psychology
Florida State for psychology
Virginia Tech for engineering

@GmanCC Great short list for your DD!

@readthetealeaves SDSU is on DD’s short list, however the cost due to out of state make it less attractive.

Looking for feedback from direct nursing majors who have applied in CA & Northwestern states. Specifically looking for where you’ve been admitted/denied, stats & extracurriculars. And if you’ve decided on a school, what were the factors? It is so competitive in CA especially and any feedback would be helpful. Thank you!

@njdadjets I am not sure what you have against Stockton, but AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and the Bacharach Institute of Rehabilitation are located right on the campus.

“Does not want to pursue nursing!
She will be attending Penn State this fall as a pre-med major”

@sd1010 that made me laugh a bit (just imagining after all the work picking and getting into great Nursing programs) BUT good for her for realizing it now and best of luck on Pre-Med.

@javamama3 Have you read the other 33 pages of this thread? Most of what you want is here, and in previous year’s threads.

HI @jh914437 thanks for answering. Got it. yes cost is a factor

Yes @Gumbymom , Banker1 has been helpful with San Diego State. Thanks for suggesting him as a resource.

@Banker1 I don’t want to ask to much. Thank you for all the info you have posted to help other SDSU prospective students!

@MomOf3DDs we just came from Stockton’s admitted students day and my D absolutely loved it! Only 36 nursing students enroll each year, which we love, and very low rate of nursing students who change their major. I believe 100 pass rate (or close to it) on NCLEX. She got the opportunity to meet current faculty and students and overall we were very impressed with the school and the nursing program. Of course while we were there, she got the email with her TCNJ acceptance, which we honestly weren’t expecting so will be going there next Saturday. I believe TCNJ enrolls about 90 and there is a decent # that end up changing their major due to the rigor of the program. After that, she is going to decide (and its 100% her decision) on whether its Stockton or TCNJ. We are proud of her no matter which one she chooses and know she will end up where she is supposed to be. Good luck to everyone on their decisions!

@debbdowner That’s great! My advise it to compare curriculum. The annoying thing is that they all name their nursing courses differently. Looking at both of their 4 year plans make my head spin because they are so different from my daughter’s school, lol.

One thing I don’t like about Stockton’s plan is separating Anatomy I and II. I have seen other schools do this too. Spring Sophomore year looks like a killer having Micro, Pathophysiology , and Pharmacology at the same time!

That may just be because the TCNJ plan is very similar to my daughter’s freshman year, though I would have to look at their class descriptions to decipher what their nursing classes cover. Neither have Med/Surg? I am assuming they are just named something else?

Find out what AP classes ( if any) will apply for the nursing major. DD’s school wanted them to take all English classes and College Algebra no matter what they took in HS. DD did get out of Psych and the one and only elective they had.

Another thing. Find out what happens if they fail (don’t get a high enough grade in nursing student lingo) a class, nursing or science. Do they have the opportunity to take it in the summer? Will it put them off by a whole year? At DD’s school, if someone passed say A&P I in the fall, but didn’t get a high enough grade for it to count in nursing, they were able to take A&P II in the spring and retake I in the summer to keep on track.

Sorry, one more thought. See if you can find out what kind of fees they charge for nursing and science classes. One school she was interested in it was quite significant while the school she is going to didn’t offer up any info, though it is not much compared to some others.

Good luck!

@scholarme Thank you! D19 is very confused about her future. I am a Nurse Practitioner and her father is an MD. I guess her dad won.

California State Fullerton portals are updating. Accepted to nursing with distinction at Fullerton :slight_smile:

@readthetealeaves congrats!!

Is anyone considering/attending Temple University for nursing? My daughter was pretty set on another program and now she’s thinking she might want to go to Temple. Any thoughts?

@gigislp The only negative I can think of about Temple’s nursing school is that it’s located near the hospital in the medical campus (1.5 miles north of the main Temple campus) in a more dangerous neighborhood. It would probably be a good setting for someone interested in trauma nursing. I would check with the nursing school and current nursing students as to security and transportation between campuses.

Yes, the area around the main campus of Temple is now reasonably safe but the nursing school is a mile to the north, near a scary neighborhood. I imagine they maintain tight security around the hospital and nursing school, but you don’t want to go for a nighttime stroll.

My daughter attended Admitted Student Day yesterday at University of Pittsburgh and committed to Pitt! So excited ahe will be attending one of the best nursing programs in the country! Hail to Pitt!

Temple safety was the reason my D did not apply there. But if you can set your mind at ease about that it is a good program with access to great clinicals.