Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

@Norcal2023 Sounds like she has had a lot of college visits! Did she mention anything at any of those schools that pushed nursing there to the top of her list?

@nwalesmom Your Welcome! Your daughter’s got three good nursing program acceptances under her belt. Congratulations to her! Please keep us updated.

@Bonchien The California list looks good please update us on the acceptances etc when you know. Good luck!

My daughter was accepted into Penn State UP Nursing School. Here are her stats… Good luck to everyone!
GPA-98.45 weighted 94.91 unweighted
Rank top -10%
Ethnicity- white
State: PA
AP classes : 8
Extra- captain swim team 3 years, volleyball team 3 years, NHS 2 years, coach swim in summer 2 years, many community hours, teach Sunday school 3 years, student ambassador, etc
Applied :9/11 Early Action
Decision Date : 12/1

Congratulations on Penn State UP Nursing School for your daughter @summerdayz !! Is that her first choice?

Yes first choice

summerdayz Terrific choice!

New here!

SAT: 1370
GPA: 3.9 (w)
Lots of EC/work experience

Accepted:(into nursing)
William Paterson
Seton Hall


Rutgers (Camden & NB)
Long Island University/Brooklyn
Gwnedd Mercy
Jacksonville University

Stockon only has seats for 35 so may put $250 deposit to hold her spot (not her top choice), but did like the school and the nursing program and the school is affordable

Her top choices are probably TCNJ, Rutgers & Temple, But will come down to $$

Good luck all!

Welcome @debbdowner. With your daughter having three acceptances under her belt you definitely won’t be a debbdowner! Congrats and please update us as the other results come in

New here too!

SAT: 1150
GPA: 3.7
State Residency: PA

Bloomsburg Univ.
Misericordia Univ.
King’s College (All Direct)

Misericordia (10/23)
King’s (12/1)

Daughter is currently in her 2nd year of a STEM Magnet program @ Bloomsburg, with her days split half-and-half between her high school and Bloom. I’m employed at Bloom so school would be tuition free for her there. We know her SAT is a little low but the STEM program could be the boost she needs to get in.

She loved Misericordia’s small campus after walking the hills at Bloom for three semesters. :slight_smile: King’s was a little too urban for her tastes but she has friends there and at Wilkes who are trying to change her mind. Decision, decisions…

Welcome to you and way to go to your daughter @djzluck. Two acceptances down and one to go! Good luck to her on Bloomsburg as the tuition free option would be awesome

@readthetealeaves Yes, it definitely would be nice. With grants and a couple smallish scholarships she’d be looking at graduating with less than 15k in loans. Not bad in this day and age. We briefly considered other majors at Bloomsburg but she really wants to be a nurse and go to a four year school.

SAT: 1200
GPA: 3.7

School: UMass - Lowell
Direct or Pre-Nursing: Direct
Applied date: 30 Oct
Decision date: 6 Dec
Decision/College: Accepted

@MAPAone. My daughter has the same stats and was accepted into nursing yesterday as well?. We have not visited the campus yet. we’re in NJ. Have you ?

@Lauremal Congrats! Yes, we went to the UML open house and nursing info session/tour. It was great. My daughter especially liked the South Campus (beautiful quads, along the river, new nursing bldg, refurbished student center, nice library, new dorms for nurses with LLC and big rooms). She contacted some other nursing students she knows there and they say they love it.

School: Regis College
Direct or Pre-Nursing: Direct
Applied date: 30 Oct
Decision date: 7 Dec
Decision/College: Accepted
Merit: $17k

@MAPAone. Very helpful information! Thank you. Congrats on Regis!

Accepted today to West Chester University in PA. Applied on 10/30

@Lauremal No problem. Let me know if you need more info. And congrats to your daughter on West Chester!

Congrats to all. Including your student’s stats (if you are comfortable doing so) would be helpful as well.