Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

Deposit made at UNE. I think it will be the best personal and financial fit!

Congrats on decision made @Regretful! Best wishes to your DS!

Today is Decision Day!! Congratulations to all who have selected before today and to those struggling to make a final last minute decision today. Best wishes to the college Nursing class of 2023!

DD decide to go to Azusa Pacific at the end, she wants to go to cali for school and can stay with relatives which make it not more expenisve than other options. Thanks for all the helpful advice and info here!

Kudos to your D @jh914437 on her decision. Southern California is a great place to be and that is a great choice! Now on to planning for fall!

Updates from St. Anslems and Fitchburg state(MA) they are still inviting students to deposit for nursing
 Of interest was my DS was originally waitlisted early action and decided not to send in Q2 transcript to St As. They may have had issues with yield.

My DD received an email from St. A’s yesterday, as she had been initially wait listed and didn’t actually put herself on the wait list and now St A’s has offered to look at her application again
decisions, decisions. She was very happy with her decision on Endicott. She also got off the waitlist for Umass Lowell 1 day prior to decision day. St. A’s had always been her #1.

Good luck with the decision. I am sure she will be successful wherever she goes.

Point Loma is also a direct admit

SAT: 1210; 1220 superscore
ACT: 24
GPA: 4.3
Rank: 12/485
State Residency: Virginia
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: F
Extracurriculars: 2- year summer volunteer at children’s hospital, 2-year participation in local medical school’s hands-on medical careers program (cadaver sessions, EMT training, etc.), Head Ambassador, 2 sport varsity athlete, officer in school clubs, Girl Scouts.

Applied to 15 schools (accepted to 15/15; accepted into Nursing at 13/ 5). Weakness was standardized tests even after multiple attempts and private instruction. Early turndown into nursing dream school prompted more applications. She wanted to be part of a large campus with football or basketball for fun attendance. She is now moved in and she chose the school that is the best match for her. JOY!

2 University Accepted, but not into Direct Admit Nursing:

  1. University of Tennessee - (Knoxville) Thankfully she got the rejection (mid-November) and had time to apply to several additional schools (including the one she is now attending!!!) Lack of stellar SAT kept her out.
  2. Clemson University: Beloved by our family; older daughter graduated in May 2019 (Bioengineering). Nursing daughter knew it would be a longshot and wouldn’t have applied if they didn’t have direct admit. Same as UTK above, accepted for #2 major (Bio), but not accepted into Nursing.

DIRECT ADMIT: Accepted into Nursing AND got scholarship offers!

3) Seton Hall: Scholarship: $86.5 over 4 years. Personalized acceptance VIDEO. New health professions campus opened last fall. Nursing students are on main campus only first year.

4) Xavier University (Cincinnati): Scholarship: $78K over 4 years. Strongly recommend applying. New health professions building opened Fall 2019 VERY strong network of support. Tuition includes books for all 4 years!! Visited twice!
5) University of Cincinnati - Including here because of the proximity to Xavier. DD was accepted into the university, participated successfully in the required personal interview, and was accepted into nursing direct admit there. Visited twice! Solid nursing program; proud that she was accepted after the rigorous selection process. The cost, with no OOS scholarship money forced us to exclude this school.

6) York University of Pennsylvania - Awarded $44K over 4 years. #1 most affordable school direct admit school she applied to.

7) Arizona State University - Awarded $14,500 over four years. Campus located in downtown Phoenix, not on main campus.
8) Duquesne University - Offered $72K over 4 years, Nursing study abroad in Italy.
9) Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton) - Offered $36K over 4 years, and very reasonable OOS tuition. Visited twice and this was a top contender. Exquisite campus setting, beautiful nursing college building, and offered a nursing living learning community in campus housing. Clinicals could be up to 30 miles away in Ft. Lauderdale/ Miami, but this is often the case with clinicals anywhere. Well-established service abroad opportunity in Guatemala offered over spring break and other times. An up and coming school nationally. Highest NCLEX pass rate in the state of Florida.
10) West Virginia University - This is NOT a direct admit program, but is on the College Confidential list of direct entry programs! Only a handful of spots were held aside for direct entry. I shoulda done my homework!
11) Randolph-Macon College (Ashland, VA, near Richmond, private school) - Offered $88K over 4 years. The 2019-2020 cohort was their very first nursing group.
12) Longwood University- $12K over 4 years.

13) Shenandoah University - $52K over 4 years. Drove thru campus on our way to WVU and Cincinnati. Daughter concluded way too small.
11/12/13: Applied pretty much as safety schools, but many local students attend these 3 schools and are very happy with their programs of all majors.

2 Non-Direct Admit Acceptances:
14) Old Dominion University - (Full disclosure: I am a staff member at this school.) Rec’d their top academic scholarship, $24K over 4 years. Re nursing, only a handful of spaces held aside for freshman who, if they meet entry criteria and maintain requirements, will be automatically admitted into upper division nursing program. My DD did not meet those criteria due to the standardized test score required. ODU is the best value with lowest tuition of a 4-year research university. Upper division nursing program is at our Virginia Beach campus, close to nursing clinicals and a new VB biomedical corridor initiative. Brand new football stadium first game 8/31/19. Very good faculty and highly rated graduate nursing programs like Nurse Anesthetist.
15) Temple University - No financial support offered and too expensive to afford OOS tuition. We had toured in April preceding her senior year and liked the campus much better than we thought we might. Recommend checking it out, especially if you are in-state.
Lessons learned from our search:

  • As one dad from Class of 2022 direct admit said at the end – “We applied to way too many schools.” But you just don’t know where you’ll get in and what $$ will be offered, so it was worth it for us.
  • If a school you love IS NOT direct admit, but you want to apply anyway – be sure you ask critical question/s:

    What percentage of your pre-nursing majors are accepted into the upper division program?

    What is the average GPA of those who ARE accepted into the upper division program?
    What happens to those students who don’t get into upper division?
    The information can be scary and that’s why no school advertises it! It is common for just 40 percent of pre-nursing students to be accepted into upper division. I think most families assume so long as the student does well in pre-nursing
or meets the minimum published GPA in order to apply for entry into upper division nursing
that there is a space for them. FALSE. Ask for the facts and don’t be lured into thinking here is a space for your student unless it is direct admit program. Students often have to change to a major like Nutrition because closely-related majors like Health Sciences are also capped
or seek transfer after they’ve made their home for two years at the original school
and the odds of scoring a transfer spot at another school are remote.
  • My DD chose Florida Atlantic University in beautiful Boca Raton -- breathing a sigh of relief over Hurricane Dorian's near miss today! She loved the first visit, so it was down to FAU and Xavier, and we went to accepted student events in the spring at both schools. FAU just felt like home to her. FAU had 3 freshman students at the nursing session, and our DD stayed after the session and talked to them for over an hour. She saw herself in them. They all traded "Insta" info and continued to stay in touch, offering her great advice throughout the summer and even textbooks. They met up again mid-August after move-in. She is living in the nursing community/ affinity group. All 4 girls in the room are OOS, and from VA we are the closest -- the others are MD, OH, and NY, and all came for the direct entry nursing (and beautiful campus). One of the roommates has relatives locally and that is who has taken all 4 girls into their hurricane-equipped home for Dorian. So grateful! It is a great program, at very good value, and with an emphasis on compassionate caring for patients and emphasis on student success. DD is very happy! Best of luck to all of you!

Does usf have direct nursing?


U San Francisco or U South Florida? See the above thread.

@PeachyInVA thanks for the recap and explanation of your daughter’s nursing application process. I am sure it will help the next round of applicants. Congrats to your D on loving her new program and school. Glad it worked out so well!

Hey Nursing Admissions 2023 How is everyone doing? Are you / your DDs /DSs enjoying where they chose?

My D is really enjoying SDSU. She is living off campus apartment with other nursing students this year. She worked hard this summer to get Physio out of the way. And as a result has time for a club sport (3 days/week workouts) and off campus job (2-3 days/week). Her white jacket ceremony is next month.

She said there are 2 tracks for clinical rotations with one starting next semester (2nd year spring) and the other starting 3rd year Fall. It is by last name but students petition to switch between them and the 2nd year spring option allows some students to graduate early. However, she said she is in no rush to graduate.

Thinks she will apply for a travel abroad opportunity for nursing students in Switzerland next summer. She’s enjoying these times.

I’ve been searching these forums to get an idea of stats for admission to the University of Scranton and St Louis University nursing schools. I can’t find anything. My daughter has a 3.7/4.0, ACT 28 SAT 1260. Would these be safety schools or a reach?

DD - Drexel 5yr CoOp direct BSN program.

So far really liking it despite what sh calls a lot of studying" and “why do I have to take English, lol”

Has quickly adjusted to the urban setting and Philly.
HS friends at Drexel & UPenn so social life is good.
Adjusting to the program / course work demands (not as easy as HS). Student center & the library are her new home away from the doorm.
Loves anatomy & biology labs
Misses the big school football rah-rah but has already traveled to UofSC & Pitt for that
Looks forward coming home for Thanksgiving.


@NHfall I just noticed you posted recently about Saint Louis U. I can’t answer about Univ of Scranton but we just visited SLU over the weekend. A 3.7 and 28 ACT is likely a target for SLU. (my daughter has similar 3.93 and 28 ACT) They early admit for Nursing students who have >3.75 and >30 in early Nov. Remaining students will likely receive admit (and merit) thru SLU first then hear in early Feb about Nursing. They said they normally get about 800 applications. Accept 650 with about 150 who eventually attend SLU. We applied on 10/16 but have not received any decision at all yet. Just says her application is complete. But no decision yet. Others with similar stats have been admitted already to SLU so we will just patiently wait. DD has been admitted to Xavier and UAB (both Direct Nursing) along with Univ of Tampa and Univ of Arkansas (Not Direct)

Are you following this year’s new Nursing thread?

There are several of us on the thread with these same schools. Good luck!!

Hi- my daughter is a senior this year and also applied to FAU, we are still waiting to hear but I was wondering how your daughter likes it? My daughter applied to 18 direct entry BSN and so far has gotten into 6.

@Melissalinymom no sure if you saw @PeachyInVA response above? She gave a pretty thorough review of FAU. Maybe that is who you were asking. I tagged her in this message hoping that maybe it will prompt her to check. We have friends with two students at FAU and they are very happy with the school overall (but not nursing majors). They put me in touch with another student who played on FAUs softball team and chose to focus on being a student athlete, get her undergrad, then she is now in the Accel Nursing program at FAU. I spoke w her on the phone recently and she loves FAU. Said the Nursing program is a very intimate setting and makes the school feel much smaller. Her classes are intense but she has good study groups. She mentioned that the Nursing school has discussed developing academic support classes that help to support students especially thru those initial difficult Nursing Pre Reqs. She’s in a slightly diff program vs the Fr Admit but it was good insight regardless. Hope this helps!