Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

Sat: 1480
Accepted: EA
Honors or scholarship at all
Still waiting on a few

@BlueIvy12 Congrats! Any favorites?

Lots to choose from @BlueIvy12. Kudos on your acceptances! What state are you from? Please let us know as you narrow it down what you are leaning toward

My daughter:
ACT 31
GPA - not sure 4. something - pretty high since all As
APs - 7
Extras: Allied Health, karate, art, dance, hospital volunteer, part-time job

Applied: Pitt, IUP, Bloomsburg, Scranton, Drexel, Duquesne (last minute)

Accepted to all except Duquesne which we havenā€™t heard from yet
Half tuition scholarship from Scranton, 2K from IUP, hasnā€™t submitted the separate scholarship app to Bloomsburg yet ?, got into Honors at Pitt (but no merit so far)

I think Pitt is her first choice but still praying for some kind of merit $


Anyone can give me some insight into these schools? Feeling very lost right now aha

SAT: 1520
GPA: 4.0/4.0
7 AP
Hospital volunteering, 2 varsity athletics, service clubs, jobs
Asian female

UP, Seattle U, Case Western, Rutgers (all 3 campuses)


Prices for all privates are about $40k (for first year) after scholarships. Is it worth the investment vs $20k CSU?


@hellohello24601 Congrats on your acceptances, your stats are outstanding. In my personal opinion, and extra $20K/yr is not worth it if it means loans will be necessary to fund your UG degree. You may also want to consider whether you will go for a graduate degree, and whether you will be able to afford that as well. Also, clinical hours are king, so maybe you can dig into the amount, and quality, of clinical hours you will receive at your choices.

@hellohello24601 Can I ask how much merit you got from UP and Seattle U? My son will be applying to those schools next fall and his stats are lower than yours. He is only looking at direct entry programs in OR and WA.

@hellohello24601 Congratulations on your acceptances! They are all good choices depending on what one wants out of a program/college.
Do you want a smaller or larger nursing class?
Do you like the campuses themselves equally? Are the privates $20k better
How are the clinicals and how far are they away from campus? Will you need a car out of state?
What are the requirements to stay in the program e.g gpa?
Will you need to save money for other things? Apartment? Grad School? or Is that not an issue?
Please keep us posted on your California schools as they come in and any others

Update for my daughter
SAT 1430
GPA 4.0
AP: Numerous
Rank: 15/160

University of Pittsburgh: Main
Penn State: University Park
Temple Honors - $8000 merit
University of WI (Dad was alum) - financial aid
CWRU - $26,500 merit

Boston College
University of Pennsylvania

Pitt remains her first choice but she did not get into honors and no merit so far.

Quite an impressive list. Good luck with your remaining decisions.

@nwalesmom Your daughter had nice stats and lots of terrific choices! Pitt is a great school could BC, UVA or Penn unseat it in her eyes?

@readthetealeaves Yes. She considers herself very lucky with her choices thus far. Truthfully, even if she got into the last three, I am sure they would still be more money and given that she is interested in a DNP (as of now) she has to consider longer term costs. She had an interview with Penn on Monday night and she said it went well so who knows. We also visited BC last April and she loved the campus but after she visited Pitt - BC fell down the list. Any thoughts or advice you could suggest?

1400 SAT
Unremarkable essay

U Portland w/$80k Merit 2nd safety
Gonzaga w/$80k Merit 1st safety and D loves campus

Deferred Regular Admissions:
USF did not Like interaction with staff - not for us
Boston College

Waiting but realistically not hopeful with CA schools:

*Very happy with Gonzaga and Merit Award.

Itā€™s a shame as a Californian Resident the Nursing field is So impacted. Just wish D could get in state tuition and be less than a 5 hour drive away:o)

Thanks @readthetealeaves. DD balancing nursing with college experience. I think all the nursing schools she has applied to are amazing - her criteria for choosing will be 100% the college-life experience and her fit. U Miami, UT Texas Austin (still to hear from both) and U Mich probably a nudge ahead of the pack, but sheā€™s openminded at this point.

@Norcal2023 Thanks for the update. Your daughter canā€™t go wrong with any of her choices. Agreed, it is a shame for Californians that the DIRECT nursing (as well as non-direct) are so impacted. Since U of Portland and Gonzaga are safeties with merit for your family, she was deferred but not rejected from UMich, UPenn and BC, and she still has CA schools to go, she should feel very secure for next fall! Congratulations to her again

@GreenBees Your daughter has a very impressive list indeed. Thanks for answering. College experience is a major factor for a lot of undergrads and of course fit is essential.It is always interesting to hear how the high school students make their decisions between schools. Good luck on her upcoming school notifications. Please keep us posted

My daughter:

ACT 31
GPA 4.7
6 APs
volunteer at hospital & senior living community; varsity cheer captain; service award; choir; musical; job for 3 years; baton twirler

accepted direct entry:

accepted pre-nursing:
Kent State
South Carolina


Very undecided right now as we await financial info. She would like to twirl in a marching band so we await spring tryouts as well.

Hi @3collegegals - Kudos to your daughter on her many acceptances and good luck with UPenn! The marching band twirling and financial aid will definitely impact the decision making. Any front runners for her so far? Any safeties?
Please let us know how she goes about choosing

@readthetealeaves -thanks! no decisions yet. Great merit from Kent but concerned about no direct entry - but definitely a financial safety. She says she will be happy at any of them so thatā€™s a relief. Some tryouts arenā€™t even scheduled yet so I think we will be waiting quite awhile still. And UPenn no decision til April 1 - although we are very clear itā€™s a lottery long shot!