Class of 2023: Purdue Applied Math v. CU Boulder Engineering

Greetings, Looking for advice for my daughter, who needs to decide between going in-state to CU Boulder Engineering or Purdue, College of Science, Applied Math. She is definitely a numbers girl but not sure yet what she would do with a Math degree; she is so-so about engineering, mostly because she does not know much about it. I would like to give her maximum flexibility for her career upon getting her 4-yr degree and avoid having to have her need to go to graduate school unless she wants to.

She really loved Purdue’s campus and felt comfortable there but most of the focus and excitement for her College there is Comp Sci or Data Science, both of which may be hard (not impossible) to switch into later. No one really spoke about Applied Math when we visited. However, Actuarial Science is a major that is a close cousin and we learned lots of positive things about it and they have an undergraduate Stats program, which CU does not.

She is very familiar with CU Boulder, having had a sibling who recently graduated from there and many of her high school colleagues are likely to go there. She does not appear to be as enthusiastic about it but it seems to be a solid education for her there and she can do applied math within the Engineering School (which she is signed up to do) and has opportunity to add or switch into a traditional engineering major.

Difference in cost is not a primary factor for us fortunately.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

@stemparent2019 - since she isn’t sure exactly what she wants to major in I think either school is a good choice. Chances are good she’ll have more direction after her first year getting her feet wet in college math and science.

If she ends up wanting to go engineering or computer science she can CODO at Purdue but it requires a good gpa and may require more semesters. TBH many engineers take 4.5-5 years to graduate. I would just have her tell her freshman advisor she wants to take math science and CS classes freshman year and plan on her taking summer classes or extra semesters if she decides to CODO.

If she is more enthused about Purdue I don’t see any compelling argument for Boulder? Nothing against the school but I don’t think it gives her any more options than Purdue would.