Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

About numbers of over-admitting…It is vary depending on schools AND instruments / voice. If it is higher demand instruments / voice, I assume schools may admit more than openings instead of making many applicants on waitlist. I saw some jazz instrumentalists who got off from waitlist and admitted to a nice music school with nice scholarship.

@lkbux64 Congrats on the Emory admit!

@jazzboydad, my S got sick and so did I! Thank goodness the worst came after the last audition. Glad S is home and can rest.

Great news today- S has been admitted to UM SMTD! Merit awards announced in April so have awhile to wait for that. Mom and I are grads so we are doubly proud! S leaves tomorrow for final audition at Vanderbilt.

W said I’ve screwed this up-- UMich SMTD!

Curious but Where did you get these numbers from?

Great news @new2music – congratulations and good luck at Vanderbilt!

I was referring to the numbers for Peabody?

@new2music we leave for Vanderbilt tomorrow as well. D playing French horn… and your child?

@akapiratequeen Yay!! so glad he got the most important one now… the rest being all gravy from here on out!

@ikbux64 congrats on Emory. Great school.

Laughed at the post about kids getting sick. Made it through 7 of 8 auditions in 7 cities from coast to coast and then…wham! The cough started. And my D is a VP major! I never knew there were so many different herbal teas to cure the cold, a cough, a cold and a cough, a cough but no cold…etc. etc. Running around like crazies trying to get her ready for last audition - Vanderbilt! I saw others heading there as well. We visited for a sample lesson last spring and loved it. Beautiful campus.

Anyone have thoughts about a school just for undergrads vs. a music program with grads? I guess there are pros and cons to each.

@mperrine S is vocal performance-- tenor. W will be with him on this trip. Will you be at the dinner Friday night?

@mperrine @new2music see you Friday for Italian!

Congratulations @lkbux64 and @new2music !!

Good luck at Vandy, @mperrine, @new2music and @highnotes2018 !!

Leao114———Those Peabody Numbers were given by Peabody admissions. If you attend Meeting with Director of Admissions at 9:30-11:00AM today, you will hear those numbers. Good luck on your son’s audition!

Good luck to @highnotes2018, @new2music and @mperrine at Vanderbilt this weekend! S and I visited last April and really loved it. No jazz program at Blair though, sadly, so that school was unfortunately taken off S’s list.

If you have a chance, go to Hattie B’s hot chicken and/or Martins Bar-B-Que joint.

Peabody audition was Tuesday and was a very positive experience all around for my son. Peabody is in his top 2 at this moment with one more audition to go at Oberlin. We were also lucky to miss the bad weather that was coming in on Wednesday which was a nice bonus.

Parent meeting was helpful and lots of questions regarding dual enrollment/degree program with JHU. That isn’t of interest to my son and honestly with the time you need to put in to be music major I can’t even imagine how difficult that would be. I would think it is truly the rare bird that is able to navigate that over 4 years at the level you are expected to be at an institution like Peabody/JHU. It wears me out just thinking about it…lol

@JeJeJe Do you happen to remember what they said in terms of timing for decisions to be sent out? I know last year it was at the VERY end of March but I was having to deal with some work stuff during the parent meeting on Tuesday and didn’t completely catch what they said.

Jejeje, thank you, rocky start to the day, and we missed the 9:30 presentation, so thank you for clarifying. Good luck to your child too.

@TxSker, re: Peabody decision release date, my spouse heard April 1st at the parent meeting.

@highnotes2018 @new2music Sadly we are not going to the free Italian dinner. We have to make a quick dash to NEC at 6 AM so we wanted to make an early night of it. She is lunching with some of her friends from Tanglewood BUTI. We got good news as she was admitted with$$ to Tanglewood again… hello Lenox :slight_smile:

@mperrine that child of yours is a dynamo! Onward and upward!