Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

For those of you that received a decision from UMich SMTD, how was the decision transmitted? Email, snail mail, portal update? Thanks.

My son received an email first and then the official acceptance letter arrived several days later. He didn’t mention portal update.

@vistajay, I have a question regarding studio placement. One of the schools where my son auditioned has two teachers (we thought they only had one). The only way my son would go to that school is if he studies with one of the particular teachers there who’s got an exceptional reputation.

The other teacher emailed my son after his audition (neither teacher was there, but they recorded the audition and obviously sent it to both teachers) from out of the country and asked if my son wanted a trial lesson and to talk with him about how he teaches when he’s back in town.

My son would only want to study with the other teacher. Further, I hear there’s some “bad blood” between the teachers and we certainly don’t want to be in the middle of anything.

My son hasn’t responded to the email yet; we’re not sure what he should say. Thoughts?

@pdxtigermom , for your peace of mind, when my D applied and was accepted to U Mich two years ago, no studio teachers were assigned until the student commited attendance to the school. Yes, you could exchange emails and/or telephone calls with the interested teachers and mutually express interest in joining studio, but no official assignment until paying deposit. Now, as far as scholarship money, if I recall, it is strictly handled by the administration and will award in what they deem as specific instrument/voice talent needs for the forthcoming years.

The U Mich studio teachers have little or no say whatsoever for the amounts. Several UMich teachers interested in my D joining their studios brought this up as a complaint during conversations with my D because they felt it’s a disadvantage for them. They know that several other peer schools give the faculty more input and weight as far as scholarship amounts during acceptances and/or appeals.

@coloraturadad thanks so much! I’ve already arranged a trial lesson with the professor. He even suggested that we arrive a day earlier so my son could sit in his studio class the day before. I’ll communicate with both of the teachers and arrange another trial lesson with the assistant professor. The only reason I’m in contact with the professor is that he was the one emailed me back when I first tried to contact both of them.

@vistajay, sorry. I left off some information. This is a local school which is why my son isn’t too excited about it as he wants to “go away” to college. Also, the teacher that he wants to study with told my son’s current teacher (who is friends with the cello teacher at the school) that he would teach my son, so if my son gets in, he knows that teacher wants to have my son in his studio.

My question is still, what does my son say to the teacher that emailed him since he knows he doesn’t want a trial lesson?

@sbjdorlo , oohh that’s a tricky one. Does the school have a head of department or a music admissions person y’all can call and discuss that with? You might get some info as to whether your preferred teacher even has room for another student, or at least get advice. Failing that, I would have your son contact the preferred teacher and let him or her know your son is very interested in that school (if true) and needs to know if the teacher has room for him in the studio. I don’t think y’all need to get in the middle. Let the teachers and school work it out.

Is anyone’s Northwestern portal still showing “Awaiting” for Music Audition?

@sbjdorlo , I would email the teacher who has offered the lesson and just say thanks very much but you’ve already been contacted by the other teacher about studio placement. If not comfortable with that, you could call dept head or music admissions and ask their advice how to respond. They might say, “It’s no big deal I will just let the other teacher know you have already been contacted about studio placement.”

@sbjdorlo I would probably contact the professor, thanking him for the outreach and maybe even schedule the lesson or make a good excuse without offending him. I would play neutral and then just make it very clear at acceptance time (if this becomes the school) that it’s contingent on being placed with the other professor. Hopefully, the rejected professor would just see that as an administrative decision or based on student preference for style/personality and not as a personal slam. Your child definitely needs to avoid drama or outside conflict and keep things professional. I didn’t think Freshman had a choice of lesson/studio professors but we are looking at popular/commercial music in the area of vocal performance so maybe it’s different. But it would be great to study under the same great professor for all 4 years if at all possible. Good luck!

@lkbux64 - Re UMich admissions, D received an email yesterday, and portal also updated yesterday. I was on the UMich portal 2 days ago to check on D’s financial aid application, and there was nothing, so I know that the portal updated on the same day as the email notification.

Since I’m no longer playing travel agent or jetting around the country, I’ve been passing the time recently by making sure D’s financial aid apps are complete. Interestingly, the UMich portal didn’t show that they had received any financial aid docs at all, so I checked in with them. They don’t upload the FAFSA or CSS onto the account until after the student receives admission. So sure enough, yesterday, after D told me she got the UMich notification, the portal showed that they had received the FAFSA and CSS and that, yes, they want us to upload another document.

@thefirebird Yes! All green checks on his NU portal but a big red x next to audition. Makes me paranoid. I know people who lost out on programs, scholarships etc due to clerical errors. I have been tempted to call because I know a lot of people have been getting alumni interviews and he didn’t. I assume the audition is better than an interview but it brings out the nervous mom.

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Very helpful, @vistajay and @AmyIzzy. I honestly don’t know how it works, but my son is a transfer student if it makes a difference. All I know is, when my son’s current teacher spoke with the teacher that my son wants, he said, “I will teach XXX (my son).” So I really don’t know how it works since he didn’t contact my son (but he knows my son and they have communicated in the past; my son was actually supposed to begin lessons with him last Sept, but it just never happened).

Thanks for your insight and stories! My husband, like you, never lived in a dorm but commuted. Congratulations on your long-lasting marriage and successfully launched kids. D is extremely loyal to her relationships and so I can see how she could be wary of the long times apart. I’m curious to see what she will decide.

@lkbux64 My S received an email, which stated an actual letter was to follow.

Thanks for the Michigan info all! My S is still waiting. . . .

@DVmom18 Getting an alumni interview at Northwestern is not a deal-breaker - for any major, not just Bienen. Nothing for you to worry about there!

I’m wondering if anyone else heard from Ithaca this week?

We searched “IC Peers” on the portal and found 300+ accepted music students (yes, I feel like a creeper), so I’m thinking “yes” decisions are likely out and it’s going to be a “no” for my son. Which is fine - it was always a long shot anyway. I just don’t see any reason to prolong it - send him an email or something!

He did get a nice scholarship yesterday that made his OOS public option a lot more attractive.

We did hear, got a package in the mail on 2/20. Which program did he apply for? I don’t think they all went out the same day.

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@akapiratequeen He applied for Music Performance - I guess I really don’t know how the release works - maybe they do it waves. It does seem like a lot of acceptances went out already across the music school. Just trying to manage expectations.

I knew about your son’s decision, but I know a few others auditioned as well. I also understand that not everyone shares decisions for privacy reasons. I am feeling a bit bored and impatient this morning.