Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Great news, @sbjdorlo!! Congrats!

@SpartanDrew congratulations to your son! Very exciting! We also just got a commencement invitation in the mail as well, for D16. She’s flown through college in three years, so we have two Commencement’s in 10 days, hers and S19.
I joined CC in 2013 when my oldest was a high school senior. She graduated last summer with her engineering degrees. We are attending three graduations in the space of a year.

I hear you—where on earth has the time gone? The plan was always for them to grow up, it suddenly it seems too fast.

@sbjdorlo congratulations to your son as well!! That sounds like a really great acceptance!

So excited for your S @sbjdorlo!! What great news!

I joined cc when my daughter was a junior back in…geez…2012? She’s an NYU grad now and it seems like that was yesterday!

Wow, congratulations, @Parentof2014grad! Three years to graduation saves a lot of money!

Thanks for all the well wishes. I wasn’t sure how much scholarship $$ state schools usually give but we’re happy with that amount!

@sbjdorlo congratulations – that’s wonderful news!

Thanks to all of you “old timers” – it’s great to have your insight and support! I am a newbie, going through this process for the first time with my oldest. We have twin sons that are 4 years behind him in 8th grade. One is a jazz drummer and the other sings and writes music and has a passion for musical theater. So, if things continue down the same path, I will be right back here with the class of 2027. . . .

Congrats @sbjdorlo always great to get $$!

Piling on profuse thanks to the amazing pearls of wisdom that all you dedicated veterans have shared here. I wish I had joined much earlier - it might have influenced a few different school choices, but the advice has been invaluable. None of my friends have kids going through what mine is so having a virtual support groups has been awesome.

Gearing up for our last trip (or as I’ve termed it the “Audition Chronicles”) - heading up to Montreal on Thursday as it takes ALL DAY to get there from the west coast. S is set for a sample lesson with the head professor @ McGill on Friday afternoon and still hoping he can sit in on a class and/or connect with a recent grad from his HS. As logistics coordinator I’m busily watching the weather forecast…hoping for no more snow on either end!

And, like everyone else, still anxiously awaiting news from earlier auditions.

@SpartanDrew — wow! Your son was successfully launched twice! So wonderful! Was the grad program search as stressful/exciting as the undergrad search? Congratulations.

@sbjdorlo —what a wonderful offer (and near you with scholarship money and a desired teacher)! That is tremendous news. I was just looking at the price of private lessons (on a second instrument) and realizing that was a very real thing to be budgeting for. Congratulations to your family!

@“Pikachu’s Mom” the grad school search wasn’t as bad. There are only a handful of graduate automotive engineering programs in the US. It was the stress of him getting in that had me on the edge of my seat but he got into all 3 that he applied to!

@lkbux64 I just saw the list of audition dates etc and who proctored which auditions and my daughter did indeed proctor the instrumentalists on your Son’s audition day so that was her that you met. She will be proctoring vocalists mostly for the remainder of the New School auditions so maybe some of you heading to NYC will meet her. :slight_smile:

@SpartanDrew, that’s so funny. She may remember me as the mom who almost made it onto the elevator until her son shooed her away at the last possible moment!

Congrats on all the great acceptances and offers. Also congrats on all the graduations. I too have a college senior graduating this year and much excitement in the air!

That’s wonderful news @sbjdorlo !

@sbjdorlo , Congratulations!??

@Lendlees , I really hope you a safe trip with no more snow issues on both sides! We also have our last audition at IU this Saturday and we are leaving on Friday for our very last audition trip. Wish your S all the best and a safe trip!

@sbjdorlo Congratulations!!! I’m thrilled for you and your son.

I’m an oldie, too. I joined in 2012 when my oldest was going through the admissions process as a high school senior. My oldest graduated in 2016 with a BFA in theatre performance, and is currently pursuing his dream as a writer and sometime actor. I was active on the music forum in 2015 when my youngest was applying for undergrad. Since his acceptance, I’ve popped in and out, not commenting a whole lot on the forum but have PM’d with folks about IC.

Currently, I’m totally on edge waiting for my son’s results from the two schools he live auditioned for to pursue a Masters or Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Performance. Nerve wracking!!!

He’s got this, @momsings !!! We are rooting for him!!

@momsings, how exciting!! Please keep us posted!

We are currently in NYC as we begin our journey upstate to Bard for our final audition. It is this Sunday. D got an email to meet that professor at the Met Opera for a lesson!!So excited for the venue and lesson. We are attending the rehearsal for the NY Phil earlier in the morning and that should be amazing as well.

Last Saturday was Vanderbilt and I think it went very well even though the rains tried to wash us away. I was struck with amazement at the nice people who are at that facility. They were well organized and it really went up in my D’s eyes. I believe she did a great job there so we will see.

The next one was NEC. We had to jump a plane go quickly to Boston straight from Nashville. Most every one was nice but not the same warmth as Vanderbilt. Full panel auditions here… all of the BSO players in attendance. She did know most of them from Tanglewood. So she said she was not that scared. ?

I can hardly wait to hear results from these journeys and adventures… right now we are enjoying NYC and all it’s delights and D is doing her homework to fulfill the contract for missed days at school. We did have a very educational trip to the Met Museum and even discussed Keats, “Ode on a Grecian Urn.” Oh we also learned that she was recognized by her District for outstanding contribution in her music at her school…and will be receiving a small sum of money… so that’s nice . Best of luck to you all

Woo hoo @mperrine, sounds like D is slaying up and down the East Coast! So happy for you both. Interested to hear about Bard, we haven’t been. Glad you are enjoying NY, decent weather today!

congrats @mperrine Way to go!!!

@merrine welcome to NYC! I am sitting in my office in midtown right now and I’m glad you have some sun and blue skies to dry you up from the rains in Nashville! A lesson at the Met; so exciting! Good luck to your daughter. Enjoy!